Chapter 25

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Welcome to the last chapter of I'm a Mermaid! I really hope everyone has enjoyed reading it as much as I have writing it (which is a lot, by the way). Thank you all for all the votes, comments, and reads I've got over this time. At first I thought that I would get a maximum of 1k reads, let alone over 20,000! So thanks again for all the support I've had throughout This story, and let's go!

Percy's POV

"We're going to turn Dr Denman into a mermaid." I say to Cleo, over the phone. I really hope she agrees to the plan. We all need her and the mermaids' backup, otherwise we may not be able to pull this off. It helps having another God on our side, even though he could turn on us at any minute. If he really is in love with Nico, then he won't betray us, but who knows if he's lying or not.


Apollo could tell if he was lying, and he let Eros join us more willingly than I did. Eros was telling the truth, he really is sorry, and he really does love Nico Di Angelo.

"Percy? Percy? Are you still there?" Cleo asks me.

"Yeah, sorry. I was lost in thought, I just figured something out. Back on topic, can you and the others help?"

"Yeah, that's what I was about to tell you. All of us are willing to help, we're going to stop her from exposing us once and for all now. Gosh, that was really cliché, wasn't it?"

We both laugh, "Yeah, it really was, but don't worry. I can be the most cliché person ever sometimes." I say. "So, let's meet at the moon pool in about 15 minutes, ok?"

"Let's do this." She hangs up, and I swim to Mako. 

I'm going to reveal myself to Dr Denman, by 'accidentally' swimming towards the moon pool, then trying to keep her away from it, but really obviously, and the other mermaids will be in there. We're then going to seal the underwater entrance, I'll let myself get wet and reveal myself. Then the gods are going to come in, while you three are making it look like the pool does on a full moon, while my dad is going to turn her into a mermaid, but only with the power to manipulate water, none of the others.

Cleo's POV

Once Percy hangs up, I turn to Rikki, Emma and Bella. "We're meeting Percy at the moon pool to be fully briefed on the plan. I can't believe it will finally be over- no more Dr Denman for us. We'll be free."

"Are you sure this is going to work, I mean, what if she exposes us regardless, and how will she even be turned if it isn't a full moon?" Emma asks.

"Well, Percy's father is the God of the seas. He turned Percy on a normal day, not even in the moon pool." Bella says.

"Exactly, and she won't want herself to be revealed too, this plan will work. I know it." I say. "Plus, we have not one, not two, but three Gods on our side."

"Wait- who's the third? I know Apollo and Poseidon are here, but who else?" Bella questions, and the others nod and ask me.

"I don't know, Percy didn't say. I guess we'll find out when we get to the moon pool."

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go and turn Dr Denman."

In the moon pool...

We swim into the moon pool to see Percy sat there waiting for us. "Well, you four sure took your time. Dr Denman will be here soon."

We just roll our eyes and Rikki asks, "So what's the plan then?"

"Well, you four are going to be waiting in here, until I 'accidentally' lead her in here. Make sure to look shocked and scared when she comes in. Then I'll need you to block the under water exit so she can't escape. Once the three Gods come in, you all will need to make the moon pool look like it does on a full moon, while my dad will turn Dr Denman into a mermaid. Then, we're done. Are you guys alright with the plan?"

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