Part 23

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We stayed at the top of the empire state building for a while , until I quietly yawn , but of course Seb noticed and he took us down the building .

We the made our way back to our building , softly talking and joking together . While walking ha had draped his arms around my shoulders and mine was draped at his waist .

Once at the building we made our way over to the elevator and once inside we just hugged each other lovingly . The door opened . I then followed him to his door , it was the closest to the elevator , I didn't waned the night to end just now . I then got an idea .

He was opening his door , when I talked from behind him , "Hey ! Why don't you just took your pj and you can pass the night with me , I don't want the date to end just now ." I said pouting . 

He look over his shoulder at me smiling " Okay " , he got in his apartment and quickly came back  only holding a pair of sweat pants , I smiled at myself , knowing I will be able to see and touch his perfect torso . 

We walked to my door and I opened it , I walked in and closed the door behind him . " I think after today I need a shower , do you want to join me ??" I ask smiling at him . 

He nod eagerly , smiling down at me . We made our way to the bathroom and slipped each other clothes for the other . Sharing loving kisses here and there . We then showered sharing passionate yet loving kisses under the hot water , washing each other lovingly .

After the shower we dried each other , and dressed in our pj , a grey sweat pants that stayed low on his hips , showing his V line perfectly . And I put on some pajama short and a simple t-shirt .

We then went to bed and cuddles in each other warm body . We talk for a while , and we fall asleep in each other arms . I slept peacefully this night feeling safe in his arms , it was really comfy and warm .

The next day I woke up with Seb bare chest against my back , his arms holding me to his warm body , I softly slip out of his arms and quietly made my way to the bathroom , simply doing my morning routine but I was too lazy to dress I stayed in my pj.

I then made my way to the kitchen and prepared us breakfast , I put on the plates on the kitchen bar and made some hot chocolates , I was flipping some pancakes , dancing a little to the music I had put on softly , when  felt Seb bare arms circling my waist from behind . He softly kiss my neck then I felt him burying his head in my neck and hair grunting happily .

 "Morning doll" He said with a sexy morning voice .

"Morning babe " I said moving my neck so I could kiss his cheek . " Go sit , breakfast is almost ready " I said motioning to the empty plates and mugs of hot chocolate on the kitchen bar .

He made his way there and sat , waiting for me to return with the big plate of pancakes . I sat next to him , kissing his cheek sweetly , "How was your sleep ??" I ask sipping my hot chocolate .

"Really good , your bed is comfier than mine " He said smiling and digging in his plate of pancake , "And you ?" he ask turning his face to me .

"Really good , you are even comfier than my bed " I said joking .

We were quietly eating breakfast , and talking a little about anything , when he surprised me with a statement . " I could really get use to that , to have you every morning , falling asleep with you in my arms and just always be with you " He said smiling at me .

I thought for a little moment and then responded " Well I could to , I love you and you live just the door on the other side of the hall , we could have breakfast together every morning , then we kind of already have a routine , we both go to the gym floor , you work out and I train and you come to me for your break , and after maybe we could eat lunch together ? Deal ?" I ask .

"Deal" He said smiling and sailed the deal by kissing me .

"But it would be like this only for a week , after I have my job waiting for me " I said looking at him .

"Well I will enjoy every moment I have with you and it's not like you will be away every hour of the day , I'll see you before and after work " He said smiling at me .

"That sound great " I said smiling up at him and kissing him sweetly . " Okay so see you at the gym ?" I said smiling .

"See you at the gym" He said pecking my lips making his way out the door .

I smiled at myself happily , I then went on my way and dressed to go down to the gym . I wanted to got back to wearing tutu so I put on my training outfit with an elegant and long black tutu .

I then made my way to the gym , with my ballerina in hands with my phone and keys . I saw Seb across the gym and smiled at him , he smiled back . 

I made my way to the dance studio and started stretching and warming up . I then followed my routine and put on my music louder and dance . Dance letting my heart beat to the rhythm of the music and letting the feeling of the air against my skin .

I was focus on my every move but I still noticed Seb making his way to the bench , he was all sweaty he really looked like he needed a break , I kept on dancing , and talked a little with him .

A lot of times explaining him how it was possible for my body to make certain movement , laughing when he wouldn't understand .

After that we both made our way back to our floor , and to ourrespective apartment to shower . After my shower I tend to my sore muscle , taking care of my body . I then put on a simple outfit , jeans and t-shirt , and I made my way to Seb apartment .

I knock and heard " It's open !" So I simply walked in and closed the door behind me , I then made my way over to the kitchen and saw Seb preparing us lunch , also dressed in a simple jeans and a shirt . I smiled at myself .

We then ate together , talking , sharing stupid story of our childhood . We then passed the rest of the day at his apartment , doing as we usually do in the afternoon . He was working on his computer and reading some script for eventual project . While I was simply on the couch reading a book and texting Sophie about yesterday . 

We then even had dinner together , a simple plate of pasta he prepared , we then cuddles on the couch watching a movie , falling asleep on the couch in each other arms . Both of us sleeping peacefully with a sleepy and content smile on both our faces .

Dance with me Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now