Part 1

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Tonight I will be performing in Paris with Sophie my best friend , we will be performing Swan Lake , and the director choose me to perform Odette , the main dancer . I was proud and exited when he told me he wanted me as the main dancer . We all have been practicing for a few week now and the first time was tonight , I was a little bit stressed but Sophie always find way to calm me down . Oh god , what would I do without her ? I'll probably be a mess , that's what I would be . 

Sophie and I met when we were dancing in the same companies , in London , and ever since we continued our way in the ballet industry , we traveled together , and we have never been apart since we met . We are always glue to the hip , messing around with inside joke , flirting at the bars with some random guys and helping each other with absolutely everything : need help calming down because of stress , help during periods , even flirting and telling which guys check out the other so we could choose our next victim .  Yes we both love sex , and what can I say it's human , the body have need , we are always joking with how good our last one night stand was or wasn't sometimes .  We even have little contest or bet on which one of us will get some guys .

Once we bet 5 dollars that we could have sex with this dancer that was in our companies , David , and when we tried we end up both loosing cause he had a boyfriend . Other time she would win other time she would loose . But we were just laughing and in the end both winners of the fun we have being best friend . We both do one night stand , not because we don't believe in love but because we are both free spirit and we are always moving around the world . We know we could settle somewhere but it's not what what either of us want right now . Right now we just want to dance and have fun .

The night was coming close and Sophie and I were preparing our self for the night . I was alittle more stressed than usual , well first because I am the main dancer but also because my parents will be here tonight . Because I am always moving my parents sometimes go on little trip , it's like there honey moon all over again , they are my adopted parents , they adopted me when I was just a baby and never lied about it .

 I never felt the need to find me true parents because they both are my parents because they raised me , I am not angry at my biological parents they maybe had strong reasons to leave to the orphanage   , but luckily I was quickly adopted by my loving parents . They were kind of rich so I always got what I wanted as a kid but I always keep my feet on the ground .

As a kid I was always dancing I quickly ask to have classes , I started ballet lessons at 5 and never stopped , I fell in love with ballet , and how I felt dancing , how the air felt against my skin with my every move . Dancing became the love of my life and I could not imagine my life without it .

The moment soon arrived and all the dancer where ask  to be at there places . The dance started and I loved every part of it , how I felt like I was flying to every jump and the feeling of my clothe moving around me like they were a part of me . My heat beating faster with my every move .

Once the show ended , I went in my dressing room that I shared with Sophie , both of us talking about the night while removing our makeup and changing back to our normal clothes . Once  this done we walk back outside our dressing room , walking for the back exit , the dancer exit , on our way we congratulate the other dancer , sharing hug here and there . 

Once outside the french fresh air send a chill in my body . I hug Sophie "I'll see you home later tonight or tomorrow if you are sleeping my parents want me to go meet them " I explain her .

She nod making her light brown hair move with her head . " Ok bestie ! Have fun with the old people !" she exclaimed playfully trotting her way to our shared apartment . I shake my head at her antics and make my way to the restaurant my parent choose for our little met-up .

I finally see it , it's a little french bistro , I walk in , and see my parents seat at table , I make my way over and when they see me , my mom launch herself at me and hug me close to her like she didn't saw me in years when it was a little more than 3 month , guess it's still too long for her who doesn't  let me go until my dad break the hug so he could hug me himself , in a bones crushing hug . I return the hug , tapping his shoulder so he could hug me with less strength , which he do . He then grab my shoulder and pull back from the hug , with tears in his eyes .

"My baby girl !!" he cooed hugging me back to his chest , only to be separated again this time by my mom , who hug me again . " You were amazing tonight , you didn't told us you were the main dancer ! I am so proud of you my baby girl !" My dad exclaimed .

"WE are so proud of you honey , you were truly amazing tonight , really amazing " my mom whispered in my hear . 

Blushing with my parents kind words I look at them " Well thanks , and you can thanks yourself , you made me who I am" I told them happy to see them , it's true that 3 month is hard .

"Ok now let sit down and eat before they close this place " My dad said gesturing towards the table ."After all this dancing you must be starving no ??"  I nod at my dad , he always wanted me to eat , he is a great chef , he always wanted my mom and I to  try his new recipes .

"So honey , how are things ?? How is Sophie ??" my mom ask already digging in her plates of food .

"Oh , I am good , really I'm great ! Got a month of 'Swan lake' here in Paris then Sophie and I will find another place , and she is good too !" I said digging in my food after my words .

After two good hours of talking , catch up , and jokes , I leave them take a taxi to there hotel with a lot of waves and promises to see each other during they stay her .  I make my way back to the apartment . I open the door softly in case Sophie is  already sleeping which she is I can hear her snore from the living room . I make my way to my bedroom , knowing she is a heavy sleeper I go get a shower to refresh before going to bed . The hot water doing a good job of relaxing my tired muscles . I then get comfortable in a pair of sleeping  shorts and a simple t-shirt .

I go to bed , trying to find a good position , but it seems like my mind don't want me to find sleep . So I choose to get my laptop and check my social networks , finding some video and such , I then check my mails , and there is one mail in particular that make me regret going on my laptop , I can not close one eye now , no sleep for me tonight .

Author note : 

So here go first part !

don't worry Seb will be here at some point in the story !

Thanks for reading !!!

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Dance with me Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now