Part 3

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Being sleep deprived isn't nice , I passed the night thinking of the mail and how it could change my life . I read it again and again , until I knew it like a song , a song that could change  my life .

"Dear (Y/N) (Y/L/N) ,

  The New York Ballet Dance School would be honored to have you as one of our dance teacher , if you wanted to , if you want to accept  the job offer , you would need to be in New York for the next September , you can join us to ............

                                                                            With all our pleasure and hope to see you as one of our next ballet teacher , The director of New York Ballet Dance School  . "

THE best ballet dance school want me as one of there teacher , I guess New York is pretty nice , we spent a month there dancing with Sophie , But still it would mean that , I would have to settle . I don't know if I am ready to do that now , but it's the best ballet school ! I mean it would be great , I always wanted to learn to the other what I know , and in THE best school , this mean they heard of me and choose me . But what would Sophie do ? Would she come with me and settle trying to find a job , I don't think she could handle being in the same place more than a month and would end up tearing  her hair away from her head . So this would mean she continue to travel when I settle and we wouldn't be together anymore .

I have no idea what to do ! My dream job is waiting for me but I love to be free and travel and meet new people and I love dancing in front of the crowd .

It is already  9 am when Sophie finally discover me , stressing on our couch , still in her pj , she is confused to see me in such a state , stressing like I had the live of millions people on my hands . She run up to me and settle on the couch next to me . She envelop me in a hug until I am not shaking anymore .

Once I stop shaking , she pull away and look at my face , maybe with dark shadows from not sleeping , after the dance show of last night , luckily today is our day off . "What happened to you ??? What got you in such a state ???" she ask worried . 

I just turn on my laptop searching for the mail , I turn the screen to her , so she could read . And she smile reading it , then she look back at me confused . " What ? Why are  in this state ? When THE best ballet dance school ever is offering you your dream job ???" She ask confused .

 " I don't know if I am ready to settle " I said sad . To maybe refuse my dream job or to stop my free life .

" Well I will to tell you what I think ,  I think you will get your big fat ass to New York , and be the best ballet teacher in the world ,  you will settle yourself in your dream apartment , I'll come visit you whenever I can and you will do the same ? What about that ??  Deal ???" She ask confidently .

"I have to think about it " I say still sad .

"Ugh (Y/N) you are the death of me !!!" She said playfully angry ." Remember , when we danced in New York , you said you loved it !!! And that you would love to live there , settle , having a normal life , going on a run to central park every morning , always a Starbucks hot chocolate in hand !!!" She exclaimed making me remember those words that once felt out of my mouth .

"Yeah I remember " I chuckle ." I also remember how we were drunk that night , celebrating your birthday . It was a crazy night , you puke everywhere in the bar at the end of the night !!" I laugh out loud now .

"Well maybe I was ridiculous and gross but at least I made you smile and laugh  !!" She said .

"Yeah , now let go get some thing to eat I'm starving !!" I exclaimed .

"You got it girl !!" She yelled .

After a big breakfast  full of joke and laugh . I remembered the plans I got with my parents , so I went back to my room dressed in simple cozy clothes but decent enough to the outside world . " I'm going out , I have plans with my parents " I explain Sophie , happily .

"Oooooh have fun with the old people !!!!" She laughed , launching  herself on the couch preparing a movie  marathon for her day off . I would have joined her but I already got plans and promised my parents I would be here . So I went off my way to the park I was said to meet them .

Once there we go on a walk around Paris , talking , sharing a laugh here and there . But I was still thinking about New York . " Honey , are you sure you're alright , you seem a little off ." My mom remark . When we were seated at a bench watching the people pass and the pigeons fly .

"Oh yeah , it's just , well , you see , I got a job offer ." I hesitantly said .

"Well that's good , where are you going , and for how long ???" My dad ask happily .

"Well first it's in New York and it kind of would be for some years if they like me ." I honestly said."The best ballet dance school of New York ask me to be teacher there . But I still don't know , If I should accept it or not . I would love teaching , but I love traveling so much .

" I think the job would be great for you , you loved teaching the younger when you were a teenager , I think you would do great ! " My dad said excited .

"I think the same honey , you were a great teacher , even if they were only kids , you were good at teaching . But it's your choice , don't force yourself ." My mom comforted me .

"Yeah , ok I have to relax and think , I have time ." The conversation went on about anything after that . We passed the day walking around Paris and eat in a little restaurant , then we parted our way . Once back at the apartment I saw a note from Sophie on the coffee table .

"Went to the bar , don't wait on me , I am sure I'll find some place to stay the night !! (winky face)"

I laugh at her words and went to my bedroom , showering and going to bed I still couldn't sleep , so I just think , laying in bed thinking , I made up my mind , I grab my laptop and sent back a response to the mail .

Dance with me Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now