14. Dying

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The four of us walked into the locker room after Mr.Yukimura called us saying that Scott needs us.Scott looked at Mr.Yukimura and his eyes won't stop flashing their Alpha Red colour.

"It's still happening" Mr.Yukimura Told him then we all glanced at Malia who was all sweating

"I can't make them go back" She said showing us her claws

"Obviously, the virus is affecting the two of you in a way it won't hit any human being" Kira's Dad explained

"You guys have to stay out of sight. We have to quarantine you ..from the quarantine" Stiles said

"Yeah , but where ?" I asked

"and what if they get Violent . Like on a full moon" Kira added and I nodded

"We shouldn't stay her. Not in the locker room" Scott told us

"A classroom is not going to hold us" Malia said

"What about the basement ?" Kira suggested

"No" I said shaking my head slightly

"Too many ways out" Stiles added

"We need something secure. Somewhere nobody can find us" Scott said , I looked at Stiles I think he just had an idea

"The vault" He said 

"The Hale vault" I said

"The hale's always have an escape route, like their house" Scott told us

"Their has to be another way in" I said

We were all in the coach's Office and Stiles showed us a map of the school's building 

"This is where the school sign in , so the vault's got to be right out here" Stiles said pointing at a spot on the map

"I suppose of there's a second entrance it would probably be accessible from the basement" MrYukimura said

Stiles was talking too but I couldn't heard what he was saying I felt a wave of dizziness , I was seeing blurry for a second and I closed my eyes then snapped them open again but I lost my balance and almost fell to the ground but Kira grabbed my arm  I glanced at Stiles who looked like he's going to faint too

"It's happening to you too" MrYukimura said glancing at Stiles and I , He lifted up Stiles' sleeve and it revealed the same marks that were on Sydney's wrist  I lifted my sleeve up there's was just a little mark not like Stiles

"I don't really have it" I said showing him my wrist 

"Yeah , but I think it's different" He explained " You're getting sick , You' all are" He added

"I don't feel sick" Kira pointed

"I think it's affecting you differently , Neurologically" He told his daughter " I found your test answers here in a  pile from the others" He added and showed us Kira's test and she didn't bubble any answer her answers was far from the real answer.

"Okay" Kira simply said

We all ran down the stairs to the basement and we started looking for the entrance to the Hale's vault.

"Hey guys , Over here" Stiles suddenly spoke and we all walked over to him

Stiles and Scott started pushing the shelf out of the way and we saw a wall , The entrance to the Vault

"Look at the cracks in the wall" Stiles said "It's like the entrance outside only opens with claws" 

"Anyone's claws , right ?" Stiles asked , Scott and I slightly shook our head as no

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