2. Is That Derek ?

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I do NOT own Teen Wolf .

What I want to do now is to hurt Araya , Right now Lydia and Scott are chained to two chairs and Severo is holding Kira While  I'm handcuffed with two guards standing by my sides she's going to torture Scott.

"Let them go" Scott started " Look , you got me let the others go" He begged

I tried to take a step forward but the two guards grabbed my arms .

"Your hand goes here" Severo told Kira as he put her hand on the dial "So let me explain what's going to happen . This one , the fox has an immunity to electricity. So she's going to turn the dial on the Alpha . if she doesn't , I'll turn the dial on the Banshee or even the Hunter " He finished glancing at me 

"No, I'm not doing this" Kira disagreed shaking her head from side to side

"Are you sure ? One of your friends has the power to heal ! The others ? not so much" Severo told her

"What are you doing ? is this a game to you ?" Scott asked angrily

"This is a test, Lobito ? If you pass , we're going to ask you some questions You answer them , Nobody gets hurt ? You don't , we turn on the Dial" Araya explained

Scott glanced at Lydia then at Me , I shook my head but he turned his head toward Kira and said " Do what they say , Okay ? whatever they want I can take it" Then looked at us again .

Since my Family and I moved to Beacon Hills , Scott was like a big brother to me . Well , right now due to the fact that my dad went to Paris and I didn't want to go with him . Scott and his parents invited me to their home , they treated me like their own daughter.

"So, We don't know where Derek is . We want to know as well , You know who took him" Araya said

Is she serious? if we knew then why would we be here ?

"What ? how would I know that ?" Scott asked her

"That doesn't sound like an answer to me" The Old woman told him

"We don't know" He told her " Why do you think we came here ?" 

"Kira, turn the dial" She gestured to Kira but She shook her head " Should we turn it on the Banshee or the Hunter instead ?" 

"No , No. Do it Kira , Do it" Scott yelled

"Let's start at one" She ordered and Then Kira turned the Dial , Scott started to growl in pain at that moment I wanted to scream , I hate seeing my friends in pain . I lowered my head and Closed my eyes so I couldn't see this Horrible scene.

"Tell me who actually has Derek ? who had a reason , a vendetta particular to the Hales ?" Araya yelled at Scott

"I said I don't know'' Scott said through clenched teeth

"Oh, you don't know because you haven't figured it out yet. So think  who could've taken him ? Tres" She yelled again

"No! Stop it" I screamed but they ignored me 

"It's okay" Scott told me 

"Who had the power ? The power of a shapeshifter ?''

"I don't know'' Scott growled in pain again

Who could have taken Derek ? I thought we were Finally over with supernatural things , but I guess it's only the beginning

"Someone who could have turned without you knowing. Turned , but not by a bite " She shouted

not by a bite ? The only ways you could turn to a werewolf is by a bite or a .. Scratch . They only one who has been scratched is my aunt Kate and ...She's dead Or maybe not. I snapped my head up at the idea 

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