HYDRA Wants Revenge

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"So this is a real mission then?" Natasha questioned.

I looked to Tony, "You briefed them?"

He nodded, "As you can tell they didn't believe me about who gave it to us."

"It was Agent Coulson," I told them, "He didn't offer an explanation and I didn't press. But I trust him a lot more than I trust Eyepatch. So suit up we leave immediately." I turned and headed for the Aveng-jet.

"Kennedy!" Tony called running after me.


"Who sent the shield?"

"I thought I gave you an order to suit up."

"There's a suit on the jet and I always have a bag packed which is on the jet also."

I didn't respond to his question until we were on the jet.



"Steve brought the shield back."

"The note?"

I nodded, "Yeah, he said for me not to go after him. He would find me. He told me not to give up and to fight the fight that we never could. He also said that they may have taken his memories but he knows he loves me. So I'm going to fight. I'm taking all of Hydra down. I can either do it alone or with a team."

Tony crossed his arms over his chest, "You're doing it with a team. You're not the only one who has lost stuff to Hydra. Clint and Natasha as well as Bucky, hell even Bruce, are unemployed."

"Technically, I'm unemployed as well," I pointed out.

"No you're not," he said plopping into a chair, "You work for SI. Remember your name's on it."

I plopped in a chair next to him, "It is, isn't it?"

"We good for take-off?" Clint asked as the rest of the team walked on.

"Yeah," I responded.

About an hour into the flight Clint turned to look at me.

"So," he asked, "Find him yet?"

I rolled my eyes, "Barton, it has been six hours since you gave me the file, so no I haven't found him yet."

"Does he even want to be found?" Natasha asked.

"I think you should all leave him alone," Tony said, "The man's a killer."

"He's not a killer," Bucky snapped.

Tony gave him a drool stare, "He shot Fury, he shot Barton and he shot Kennedy multiple times."

"Doesn't make him a killer," Bucky said.

"How the hell does that work?" Clint questioned.

"I agree with Clint," Natasha said, "None of that makes sense."

The four of them started arguing. I quietly made my way to the back of the jet. Bruce had noticed and followed me.

"So what's the real answer?" he asked.

"He doesn't want to be found," I said.

"You going to tell them?"

"Tony knows, but Bucky will just argue with me saying that Steve doesn't know what he wants."

Bruce nodded, "Well, you as Steve's wife, should be able to make that call."

"Yeah, well, let's hope that call doesn't end up with someone killed."

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