Howard is Back... And a Liar

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The next night I found myself wandering an abandoned warehouse waiting for some deal to go down. Why did I ever think coming back to the states were a good idea? Oh yeah, because I was helping a friend. I walked closer to the guy throwing a ball against a wall. I caught his ball before it could hit the wall.

"Who's there?" he called.

"Boo," I said hopping onto the platform he was on.

He gasped and tried to punch me. I dodged it and took him down with one punch. Weak. I took down the other three guys that had come running. Peggy and Mr. Jarvis soon joined me.

"Nice," Peggy said looking at the three guys I had taken down.

I shrugged, "It's what I'm good at."

"Hopefully our package is intact," Mr. Jarvis said as he slid open the door of a crate.

"Ahh my favorite foreigners," Howard drawled.

"American, you wanker," I drawled, "I don't know how you forget. My uniform is a giant American flag."

"Did Mr. Mink have his minions blackmail you?" he asked ignoring my outburst.

"Indeed, sir," Mr. Jarvis said.

"You certainly know how to pick your partners," Peggy told Howard.

"Well," he replied, "Mr. Mink is a greedy, black-market smuggler, sure, but he got me back into the country, and he's predictable, and I like greedy." He picked up the cue ball from his pool table and threw it at a guy coming up behind us. "And I was so close to running the table."

I rolled my eyes and made my way to the car. I got in the back with Howard while Peggy was in the front with Mr. Jarvis.

"So, how are you two getting along?" Howard asked them, "Peggy tried Anna's goulash? Peggy, Jarvis know you can do 107 one-armed pushups?"

Peggy turned to look at him, "Howard, you came back to New York City risking notice from every American intelligence agency."

"Stupid if you ask me," I commented, "Why?"

"Let's get back to my place. We'll have some Sherry. I'll explain everything," he said.

"Stop the car," Peggy told Mr. Jarvis. He pulled the car over to the side of the road.

"The residence is only a block away," Howard said,

"What's the matter?" Mr. Jarvis asked.

"See that man waiting for the bus," Peggy said pointing out the man on the sidewalk, "That's Agent Yauch. You see that Sedan parked by the fire hydrant? That is Agent Henry. Make a left."

Mr. Jarvis did as she told him.

"That was my least-known property," Howard said, "A dummy corporation holds the lease. And another dummy corporation owns that company. The only people who know about that penthouse besides me, Jarvis and Kennedy are Lana Turner, Jane Russell..."

"You do realize," Peggy said cutting him off, "that my work colleague Ray Krzeminski was killed while you were out gallivanting?"

"I was not gallivanting," Howard protested.

"You do tend to gallivant," I told him.

He glared at me, "I was personally going to take you out for pie, but not anymore."

I arched a brow, "Really? Or was Jarvis going to do it with your money."

He looked away. "That's what I thought," I said.

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