There Was An Idea...

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***Ten years later***

The past ten years have been very interesting. Tony and I had become very good friends. He had taught me how to use all the modern stuff. The first time I had used both the microwave and the toaster I had shot them when they dinged. I had also shot the oven as well. Tony's AI, which is just a very smart computer, now tells me that the stuff will be done a seconds before it dings. Just so I don't shoot them again. It took some time to get used to all the new stuff. I wasn't alone though, for the most part. About five years ago Sousa and Anna had died. Then a year later, Edwin died. Peggy was now sick and living in a nursing home in D.C. Tony had shut down for a bit and we drifted apart for a while. Just as we were getting close again, he had ended up kidnapped. He then became Iron Man and has been doing crazy shit ever since. Director Fury of Shield kept trying to get me to become Captain America again, but I refused up until I thought I lost Tony when he had gotten kidnapped. By that point I had gotten my own apartment in New York so I wasn't around much while he was being Iron Man. Now Tony had built a tower in New York and was living in it. It was an ugly tower, though. I sighed and walked through the halls of the Shield base. I paused as I saw some guys standing around walls in the middle of a room. I walked into the room and over to Fury who was watching them.

"Sir?" I questioned, "Why are you watching walls in the middle of a room?"

He glanced at me, "Don't you have somewhere to be, Rogers?"

"Yeah, but it can wait. What's with the walls?"

"Nothing you need to worry yourself with."

I watched a woman in a '40's army outfit walk into the room. "Who is in the room?" I asked.

"Nothing that concerns you," he replied.

I glared at him, "I think it does."

"No, it doesn't."

I went to reply but my phone cut me off. I pulled it out of my back pocket to find that I had a text from Tony wondering where I was. "I will find out what you're hiding from me," I snapped before walking out. I got on my motorcycle and drove to the café where I was meeting Tony.

"Whoa," he said as I sat down across from him, "Someone seems angry."

"Fury's hiding something," I told him.

Tony snorted, "Isn't he always?"

"Not the point. He had a bunch of men guarding walls. Said walls were in the middle of a giant room. Doesn't that seem a bit odd to you?"

He shrugged, "I guess so."

I continued, "A lady dressed in 1940's army gear walked into the room."

"That is weird," Tony commented, "What are you going to do about it?"

"Probably nothing. Shield is stupid and I don't know why I agreed to work for them."

He gave me a strange look but didn't say anything.

I looked at him over the rim of my sunglasses, "I'll figure something out."

"You always do."

A waitress came over and brought our food. As she left Tony explained, "You always get the same thing."

I shrugged, "You're not wrong."

"Of course not," he grinned, "I'm a genius."

The waitress then came back to refill our drinks. "You guys waiting to see the big guy?" she asked nodding toward Stark Tower.

I glanced to Tony then answered her, "Nah, I'm not really a fan of Iron Man. Now if they found Captain America that would be awesome."

"Captain America?" she questioned, "My grandma used to talk about him."

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