Not Fury's Clean-up Crew

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When I got to my new apartment it was still early so I decided to go for a run. Something I desperately needed to do. For a while I was the only one running, but then this other guy showed up.

"On your left," I called as I passed him. I ran another lap around and the guy was a little farther along than when I had passed him the first time. "On your left!" I said as I passed him again.

"Uh-huh on my left," he huffed out, "Got it."

I ran another lap around and came up on the guy again.

"Don't say it!" he called over his shoulder, "Don't you say it!"

I smirked, "On your left!"

"Come on," he yelled and tried to catch up with me. He was unable to and gave up. I found him leaning up against a tree trying to catch his breath. I walked over to him.

"Need a medic?" I asked.

He huffed out a laugh, "I need a new set of lungs. Dude, you just ran like thirteen miles in thirty minutes."

"I guess I got a late start."

"Oh really?" the guy questioned, "You should be ashamed of yourself. You should take another lap." He paused for a moment. "Did you just take it? I assume you just took it."

I smiled then nodded to his sweatshirt, "What unit are you with?"

"Fifty-eighth, Para-rescue," he answered, "But I'm working down at the VA. Sam Wilson."

I held out my hand to help him up, "Kennedy Rogers."

"I kind of put that together," Sam laughed as he stood, "Must have freaked you out coming home after the whole defrosting thing."

I sighed, "It took some getting used to. It's good to meet you, Sam." I turned to leave.

"It's your bed, right?" he called.

I stopped and turned to look at him, "What's that?"

"Your bed," he said, "it's too soft. When I was over there I'd sleep on the ground and use rocks for pillows, like a caveman. Now, I'm home, lying in my bed, and it's like..."

"Lying on a marshmallow," I finished for him, "I feel like I'm gonna sink right to the floor."

Sam nodded.

"How long?" I asked.

"Two tours," he answered, "You must miss the good old days, huh?"

The good old days. Now, that was a good question.

"Well, things aren't so bad," I told him, "Food's a lot better, we used to boil everything. No polio is good. Internet, so helpful. I've been reading that a lot trying to catch up." I left out the fact that I've been awake a lot longer than Shield admits.

"Marvin Gaye, 1972, 'Trouble Man' soundtrack," Sam told me, "Everything you've missed jammed into one album."

I nodded and pulled out my phone. "I'll put it on the list," I said making a note. I then got a message from Clint that read: Mission Alert. Extraction Imminent. Meet at the curb J. I rolled my eyes at the fact that he sent me an emoji. I looked up at Sam, "Alright, Sam, duty calls. Thanks for the run. If that's what you wanna call running." I shook his hand.

"Oh, that's how it is?" he asked.

I smirked, "That's how it is."

Sam laughed, "Okay. Anytime you wanna stop the VA, make me look awesome in front of the girl at the front desk, let me know."

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