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Quinn's pov:

I might have decided to try to give Eli a chance but as I said before my past still happened so it was hard for me.

'But you will still try.'

Yeah I know I know Bea no need to be reminded.

'Just checking.'

Well thanks.

I sighed as we were changing in sport clothes for gym class and as always I could feel the gaze of that one person on me.

It felt weird to acknowledge the phantom Bea's words while I had ignored them for almost 120 years but it also somewhat made me happy that in some way she was back you know; she is still dear to me after all.

Eli's pov:

"Eli good god I will blind you I swear." I shook my head and glared at Chloe who disturbed my staring at my almost half naked mate's back.

"What now?"

"Don't stare, her accepting the fact you might have a chance at her heart is not a free pass to ogle at her at all the time you get, it's actually getting creepy."

"You'll understand when you find your mate." I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Hey watch it Anna!" I turned back to Quinn when she half yelled that.

Her sister was laughing while hugging her, I can tell with 85% accuracy that she was tackle hugged.

My eyes got stuck to them, Anna sitting in her lap with her arms around Quinn's neck, god I wish that was me.

"Eli go help her." But I didn't really hear her as I was staring at her bra, wishing to free her from it before I was hit on the head by a book, I glared at Chloe who was holding it. "Elizabeth you useless lesbian." She walked over to help them up.

"Eyes up here." I jumped as I blinked, having have zoned out and zoned in when Quinn tilted my head up to stop staring at her with her cold finger under my chin, oh I'd warm you up if I was given the chance. "How many time will I have to tell you?" She smiled with her discreet smile and raised an eyebrow while tilting her head to the side slightly, I gulped softly.

"A lot." I said truthfully, knowing myself well enough to know it would be hard for me to not do it though it was embarrassing to admit.

"Well I'll keep reminding you." I felt a tap on my nose and smiled, bringing my hand up to it while she walked off, I already talked about this once but this gesture is something special for me, others might think it's childish which it kind of is since she did this all my life but I don't care, it's something that can bring a smile to my face in a few seconds, I guess this gesture was engraved in my mind in a way that no matter if someone else did it always came back to Quinn, honestly everything in my life came back to Quinn.... Yet again as you all must know it's normal it comes to her, she raised me mostly like 80-85% I'd say.

Gym class was awesome, not because of sport or that shit but because I got a good and looong, hour long, session to stare at Quinn.... I actually don't remember what we did but I must have done it since I don't remember a teacher yelling at me for not doing as told.

"You are impossible girl." Chloe sighed and I shrugged while putting the stuff I didn't need in my locker.

"What else did you honestly expect from me? You know how I am."

"That's the problem here! You and your 'fuck me' eyes."

"I already told you I don't have 'fuck me' eyes, no stop doesn't even say what I know you are going to say or I will use my gift on you."

"Fine but admit that your thoughts are not clean most of the time thinking about Quinn's sexy body."

"Shut up and don't call Quinn sexy."

"You didn't deny the thoughts part."

"I will fuck you up!"

"Don't you want that to be Quinn and not me?"

"Come here you little shit!"

I held her in a chock hold with red cheeks as she laughed as much as she could.

"Looks like you are having fun." I looked up from Chloe to see Anna and Carly walking over with a knowing smile on their face which made my blush worst.

"Don't you stare or I will start peppering you with flying projectiles." Grumbled as I let Chloe go.

"We won't since we aren't here for that." Anna chuckled. "We will go hang around in town after school and we just wanted to ask you guys if you want to come."

"Who's coming?" Chloe asked, leaning against me as I silently wondered the same thing.

"Only Mars, Carly, Mike, Quinn and I, the rest wishing to go home and our mothers wishing to go off on their own despite staying in town so are you girls up? We might go get a drink and do who knows what, this is not such a small town and there is loads of stuff to do." Anna told us, hope in her eyes but no need for that, one word and I was sold, come on it's easy to guess what the word was aka Quinn.

"Well sure, homework can wait." I said with a smile and my face back to its usual hue, I smiled more at the glares of the people, still not understanding how the supposed outcasts were so close to these new popular people, so jealous~ haha.

"I agree with Eli here; it'll be so fun I can already tell." Chloe said. "Maybe I'll find some cute date somewhere." I furred my eyebrows at the barely visible look of sadness that flashed across Anna's face at her words, only able to catch the look because I was used to Quinn's secret smiles, well this is interesting to say the least, Chloe will be eighteen in four days so that means mate but here is Anna seeming sad at the idea of her finding a 'cute date'.... You can guess where I am going, I think I'll have a little chat with her with her to get in the depths off this but for now that's not the most important thing.

"Sure... Now let's get the others." Carly said, from her tone I could tell she knew more about what bothers Anna then Anna would have wanted her to know.

"Sure." I smiled, this is bound to get interesting.

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