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(Be ready for this chapter, the 'lets be poetic' feeling took over while writing this.)

Quinn's pov:

I sang softly to myself as I walked the familiar path to the familiar cliff on which happened good and bad, on which more will happen, said place calling my family to it ever since my mother set foot upon the grass and rocks of the cliff millennia ago.

When I wanted to be alone my feet brought me upon this cliff to stare off at the last resting place of Bea, the deep ocean of blue resting underneath ready to greet whoever fell off the cliff, from whatever race, with death if they were to step off the edge.

The cliff might await for me to step off its grassy top and join all whom fell before me and will fall after me but I shall not join them. I remain to suffer for the mistake I've made as Bea gave herself up to keep me away from the dark depths of death from the ocean, giving her life to the liquid that brought life to all but her.

The deep blues sweeping away her pieces and spreading her vampiric dust in their waters, from here to over the horizon, washed up close and far away from me.

These tears that burn my eyes shall join the deep blues as they fall off my face and cliff as little pearls as payment for my foolish mistakes that cost her life and lives of many others.

The cliff shall never claim my life as such wouldn't be her wishes for me, I shall not join her to rest eternally in the ocean by her side, I shall remain on earth and walk its surface without her by my side, alone and lost without my other halves guidance.

"What would you do?" I softly asked the ocean itself, the eastern winds bringing my voice with them on their travels to search for the answers themselves. "What should I do?" I asked, listening to the rolling of the waves as they hit the cliff side with force and violence and yet gentleness and elegance the ocean always seems to carry with its waters, one thing the ocean never did was answer back, not once have I had an answer to the questions I asked, the depths keeping their secrets buried deep in the darkness that laid under the surface, down in the cold and hateful depths that swallowed anyone that ventured down below to search for the hidden secrets it hid.

Eli's pov:

I had no idea how to feel, heart heavy but spirit soaring high if such thing could be said.

Quinn, my love, my mate, my everything wished for me to let her go, free her like a white dove at weddings.

She hadn't spoken since our confrontation and my promise, I shall never lie to her or anyone, such is my pride, all words leaving the cage that is my mind are to be true and never shall I speak of lies that might invade my thoughts.

I will bring a smile brighter the 1000 stars upon her face and a laugh like a chirping bird to her voice, I will lay her worries to rest deep in the ground where they will remained buried and forgotten by her, such is my future drawn out in front of my feet, such shall be the road I follow from now on day or night and until I collapse but I will never stop walking down the road to her happiness.

My heart felt heavy, filled with all sadness and pain her words brought upon me, heavy with the sorrow filled look hidden deep in her dull orbs of a blood red.

My lungs like filled with water, breath short, each drop of it being one of the tears I swallowed with the despair they carried and let them steal my breath away just like her physic but unlike that, her words stole away my happiness while her presence stole away the sadness from deep within.

My head is heavy, weighed down by the racing thoughts, running in search for their answers they can't find, trapped inside the prison called my mind. Questions waited for their answers to but never has one shown itself after she left the top of the roof where the questions came from.

Body weighed down by the emotions working to crush me under their combined strength, trying to get me upon my knees and hands, begging to be set free from their hold and the pain but such thing I shall not do as they aren't my enemies but friends, working along my side as valiant guards, hand in hand is how we shall work and not against each other, I will use their strength to push me forwards towards my final goal we will reach together.

Despite the hurt and heft her words brought to me, I shall remain standing on this earth and walk its surface as such is my role, remaining here and walk at her side, showing her love and care and even if she doesn't gaze my way I will come at her side and guide her along to happiness and love, then shall she look at me again and bring end to my quest as a smile will be set upon her pale cold face.

(Well ._. my poetic side got hold of me while I was writing because of that song at the start, still hope you liked it tho.)

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