-26 (leave)-

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Quinn's pov:

The hateful thoughts of the pack echoed in my mind, even so I never stopped reading their mind, those against me hypocrites.

I had packed my bag with what I needed and helped Eli get ready, we planned on walking out tonight and not waiting for tomorrow morning so there would be no one.

"Are you sure you want to come?"

"And being left in a place everyone despises me in because I let someone touch me because I couldn't do anything against it?!" She snapped.

"Hey ssh dear, I just asked." I hugged her against me, tapping more in my father's side of my gift I slightly modified her memories, as much as I could, only able to lift a bit of the pain that caused to her to be angry.

"Sorry." She whispered.

"It's fine dear, you have the right to feel how you do, so... Ready?"


I thought everyone was asleep but when we got down stares all those close to us were there, I was so concentrated on Eli that I didn't hear them.

"What are you all doing here?" Eli asked.

"Some of us are here to see you off as we can't leave because the pack needs us despite it all." Derek said with sadness, my mother's nodding along with Hans, mom looking ready to cry, they might have voted to expel me from the pack but only because there was no other choice for them.

"And some of us are her to come along" Chloe added.

"So all of you.... Anna, Mike, Carly, you Chloe, Mars, Niko and Jeffy.... You all want to come along?" Eli's voice trembled, I side hugged her, feeling her shake as the emotions came back again as all nodded along, holding their own bags.

"And not just them." Mom said, waving at the door.

I rose a brow and walked over, opening it and gasping in shock, a mob of people waiting outside with suitcases, bags, baskets and anything to carry their stuff.

I heard Eli start to cry as I stepped out.

"This is an unfair vote." A man I knew was in the pack but never really talked to spoke up from the crowd, holding his young daughter in his arms. "It is unfair and unjust, here we all think like you do, we'd do the same for our families any day.... So if you are leaving we are coming with you."

Even I felt like my own bottled up emotions tried to grip at me, knowing how much were still on my side, this is almost the half of the pack.

"We cannot leave as someone still needs to run the pack." I looked back to my mom who was now crying. "But you won't be alone, never."

"Are you sure we can take them?" I asked. "What about the rest? Safety in numbers."

"That's why you are taking them, as an exiled person you can never come near this packs territory and most might not accept you so please take these people with you and have your own pack we can visit if phone calls and the mindlink is not enough.... Even if this is not the best situation all children leave family home once in their life."

I hugged her, my own tears spilling over before I went to hug ma, Hans and Derek, the four that's would stay behind.

I grabbed Eli's hand as she wiped her face, hugging my arm.

"I will miss you." I said to the four.

"Now go child, before the humans' start waking up and questioning the number of you leaving 'The Reserve'." Ma said with a sad smile. "Build a life they will all be jealous off."

"I will."

It was a long and painful walk away from my home but I was bringing part of it with me so it helped a bit.

"Sis where are we going? There is no place such a big group can stay in without being weird." Mike asked, accompanying us as he would soon leave to go find his own mate.

"I know of a place." I said, not 'lying to hide the truth', I really had one.

"Where? My feet start to hurt after all these days of walking." Mars complained like she'd do but it made my smile softly as it was a bit of missed normal.

"She always complains whenever carefree." Ghost mental Bea added and I nodded.

"We are almost there; I ran for a long time to get from here to the Reserve so walking there will be long."

I sighed as the old castle and village around it I escaped from came into view, once ruled over by my monster father but now empty and abandoned.

"This is..." Anna whispered, my siblings recognizing this place.

"Yeah, the place we were born at." I said, facing them. "It is now abandoned and filled with bad memories... But this is the only place we can call our own and we will be able to bury all the negativity and hate here under a layer of positivity and love as these are our people." I pointed to the pack finally catching up, slightly slower than our little group of friend. "This can be out home and not just a prison, the one place no one can take from us, erase the past to build a bright future."

"I don't know you but I am with her." Jeffy said.

"Same!" Chloe said, the brightest out of all of us.

"So anyone against it?" I asked but none said anything. "Good."

I walked passed them, giving Eli's shoulder a squeeze.

"People." I said to those accompanying us. "This has once been a place of suffering and chaos, home of the wretched Cain and prison of my mothers and us blood wolf siblings until we got to the reserve but today we can change that, it can be our home and we can bury all the pain and suffering all those that once lived here caused but building up a happy life, what do you say? Should we remain and bring happiness back to a place we can call our own?" I knew the answer but was still happy by the chorus of agreement I got.

I looked at the castle with a smirk.

"Time to bury the past." I whispered.

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