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Age: 2

Quinn's pov:

"Yeah come on, come to me." I whispered.

Eli had started somewhat walking a few months ago but was one lazy baby I can tell you that!

"No don't crawl!" I said in dismay at she arrived to me and sighed, picking her up and setting her back away from me and went back to my place, she looked confused.

"She doesn't wanna listen to you." Laughed Carly as Derek just rolled his eyes with a smile, both lived together but were just as roommates and were part of the group of people taking care of Eli.

The group had mom, ma, Mike, Anna, Hans, Derek, Carly, Mars, Nico, Jeffy and there whole coven in it, even some of the pack gladly helped out, everyone loved our little hybrid here.

"Oh shut up sheep." I said with a forced smirk and she stuck out her tongue.

"Make me bitch." She laughed. "If you can't control Eli now she might be a problem later on you know, the little rebel."

"Oh shush or I will let her pull out all your blond hair."

"Girls girls don't start arguing now and you should keep an eye on Eli." Derek said while passing a hand in his beard, not looking up from his newspaper.

Carly and I instantly snapped our attention to where Eli is...... More like was, Eli was gone.

"We lost a baby!!!" Carly and I yelled as we jumped up and ran around the house to try to find Eli.

"I have her!" I ran over to see Carly put her on the couch next to Derek and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Where was she?"

"She was trying to catch something on the counter top."

"Jeez so you decide to walk for that but won't do it for me?" I asked her and tapped her nose making her giggle.

I had took up the habit of tapping her nose a while back and I seemingly couldn't keep myself from doing that.

Age: 3

"Quinn this is ridiculous." Mom deadpanned as I rolled my eyes, I had a Polaroid camera in hands and well taking pictures of the mess Eli had made with the bag of flour she got her tiny hands on.

"I need to have these pictures so I can tell embarrassing stories to her friends in the future it isn't ridiculous."

"It kinda is, you even have a note book with her first words in it."


"Blagra is not a word."

"It is for me."

"Jeez Quinn you are turning into a fanatic." I stuck out my tongue and rolled my eyes.

"I shall be the cliché caretaker then."

"Jesus save me...... No Jesus save Eli from Quinn."

"I heard you!!"

"That was the point!!"

Age: 4

I was sitting on a bench watching Mars push the swing Eli was sitting on making her laugh.

Her hair was blond when she was a baby but had turned a light hazel brown, it went good with her eyes.

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