We gon' get tipsy in this club...tipsy in this club

Cause I heard the sex be 10 times wetter

I mouthed those particular lyrics sliding down into a full split. Swinging my legs around I slid down slightly motioning for the cute blonde guy beside him to rip the rest of my fishnet bodysuit down the middle. With a smile he obliged, stuffing a small knot of bills between my hip and the strap on my thong. Tall, dark, and sexy didn't seem too happy with that, shooting his man a look that I'm sure would have killed him if those glares were filled with actual daggers.

Standing I backed away, slowly pulling the costume away and tossed it over my shoulder. After a few more twists and turns around the pole I turned, blew a kiss at my audience and eased back through the curtains. The music was still playing but I could clearly hear the cheers and applause. I pulled the curtains over enough to see but not be seen. Tall, dark, and sexy was speaking to the brunette on the other side of him before they all stood and walked toward the front door. I'm positive that little tease, being so close to him and letting the guy beside him basically touch me was enough to bring him back again. Why this has become so important to me, I don't know but in this short time I've come to realize that I'm at my best when he's around. I feel sexy under his scrutiny and have this strong urge to show off.

At the end of every show, the head of security Dave collects my money and brings it to me backstage. Being big and pretty much bulky he normally carries it in his arms but this time he had it overflowing in a big brown paper bag.

"You keep this up you're going to have enough money to leave us for good!" There was amusement in his tone but sadness as well.

I snorted, "What's not going to be used on my ridiculously high bills is going to be saved and trust me when I say there isn't enough one dollar bills in this bag to make it so that I'll never have to work ever again! Fear not Davey Baby! I won't be going anywhere anytime soon." I patted his arm and was about to grab the bag from him but remembered what's awaiting me in the changing room, jealous bitches. "On second thought, can you hold on to this for me until after I change? There's a nice reward in it for you!"

He gave me a knowing smile and a quick nod. "Of course I will. I'll be by the boss' office."

I replied with a quick nod of my own and jogged toward the small room we used to get ready. Dave is Lou's oldest son and just like his father, has given me nothing but reason to trust him.

I entered the changing room with my arms folded against my chest and the smile I obtained from the expression on tall, dark, and sexy's face still present but it was short lived and dissolved into an irritated glower. It was no secret that none of the other girls cared for me because of the 'special treatment' I received. Had it been unknown to me, the way they ceased all conversation when I walked in would have been my first clue. They gathered around each other forming their little cliques whispering and making remarks that occasionally they'd cackle at. Exhaling my frustration sharply through my nose I made my way to my solo station securing the the small roll of money I got from the cute blonde that was in my thong in my bag then proceeded to remove my make-up and redress to go home.

"Did you see that drop dead gorgeous piece of man in the front row?!"

"A bitch would have to be blind not to see him! I bet he tastes as rich as he looks! I should offer him a dance in the booths to see!"

"You're wasting your time if you think any of you are going to get anywhere with him because the mutt has already pissed on him and marked him as her own. Isn't that right, TRASHure."

I smiled even though none of that was funny. It was one of those 'I'm about to smack the snot out of this bitch' smiles. Of everyone, Ruby has always rubbed me the wrong way. Before I came she was the most desired dancer and unwillingly gave up that title to me. It's easy to see why they love her with her creamy white skin and natural fiery red hair. Instead of having green eyes like most redheads they're this pristine blue. If she didn't have the kind of mouth that makes you want to shove your fist into it, she might actually be pretty.

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