real 15

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N/o POV:

"No no no. Please!" Weak voice pleaded as jungkook was too angry to give a fucj about the little one.

After telling jungkook to leave him alone and take him back. Jungkook dragged taehyung out of there right on the room in the dark hallway.

Cuffing his hands to the silk red bed, jungkook had a lot of things in his mind but too hard to choose from every thought being on his right pleasure or if he could put taehyung up with everything.

"You really think that you are going to be a meter away from me? Breath without? " asked jungkook cutting his clothes one by one "you won't leave me because if you do, I'll chain you on me " the cutting the last piece of clothing.

Passing his hands everywhere at the same time with the knife. He opened the smooth tanned legs looking at the most beautiful sight ever.

A pink untouched hole. And he loved it.

Pushing rather gently the head of the knife in. Taehyung moaned in a hurt voice while cries went out of his mouth.

Being honest, jungkook got more aroused and horny than feeling bad for what was he doing.

Crying while moaning, a sinful connection between the sounds escaped as taehyung felt inside him the cold kinfe and a long finger.

"Oh fuck. Look at you. All I ever wanted placed in front of me at my pleasure and in my own hands" licked jungkook his lips then eyeing the fuller lips of the little one.

Getting the knife out, jungkook bought it to his lips licking it then moaning. But not forgetting to place the sharp end on taehyung plump rosy lips.

"Ohhh fuck. I need it. " he whispered making taehyung confused and uncomfortable at the same time.

Maybe jungkook, not in these circumstances, and the song he had in head randomly and the ethereal boy... Would be nice, romantic and maybe soft.

But not today.

"You make me think of bad bad things. Stop it! You make me want to fuck you so bad till I get you in the hospital!  Stop it! "

Jungkook was going crazy, shirtless and with the belt open, tattoos at taehyung's innocent eyes, stormed around crazily.

"Stop breathing, that makes me hard! " poited a finger at the tied up naked boy that looked at jungkook as if he was crazy. Indeed he was.

"You make so fucking crazy!" Yelled jungkook approaching the shut boy bending down and biting his lip.

"Not enough" told himself.

"I need more. I need all of you. Everything. Every part. Every moan. Every tear. Every thought. Every word spoken. Every breath. Every year without me. Every step you made. Every day you spent without me. Every night spent without me by your side. Every minute in your bed without me next to your body. Every time you touched yourself without my consent"

Caressing the smooth tanned skin so carefully with his tongue leaving behind a hot yet cold feeling and a whimpering taehyung.

Jungkook was addicted. He couldn't be more crazy than today. He felt himself without limits. Going crazy seeing the gorgeous human being in his hands.

Ripping off his clothes, jungkook played with the hard nippes amazed by them" their so cute. You're made for me, every part of your body is made for me"

Yet under his tongue he felt from the belly going down some smooth little hair. Almost invisible. And maybe that's why he didn't see a bit if hair on his body....because taehyung never shaved or owned things to do so afraid that he'll hurt himself or ruin his pretty skin.

That's why jungkook throwed everything that taehyung could possibly hurt himself with.

"Aren't you perfect? " asked jungkook not getting a reply only to meet a sleeping taehyung.

And it made him furious slapping the inde of the delicate thigh making taehyung tremble.

"Wake up. I need you woke while I make you mine for ever"

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