Chapter 8.5

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He was holding her in his arms. She was clinging to his neck. They were both breathless.

It was at this moment that EJ was aware that he had given in: given into the feelings he had been harbouring for quite awhile now. Self-control used to be his friend, but it practically jumped out of the window at the sight of her. Even now, with her flushed face before him, he wanted to crash his lips against hers once more. He felt like an insatiable animal was awaken inside him.

In the beginning, it wasn't like this. This was never supposed to happen.


Eyeless Jack was a man, no, a monster of reason, he told himself. His existence was painful and disgustingly inhuman, but it was his existence. If he had to live the rest of his life craving human flesh to feed a body that stripped him of his human dignity, he would do it his way. And his way was that of calm logic and sound reason. He'd keep his serious personality, just as he was back in his university days.

He did his best to keep his daily life as similar as it had been back when he was human. He treated his work with diligence and a seriousness that even Slenderman admired. His medical studies became a self-study chore, but his love for the human body didn't leave him from his days of medical school, and he continued to learn. Some say that love may have actually heightened (refer to the cannibalism of his victims), but he digressed.

Not much had changed save for the hunger for human flesh, the practically dead body with heightened abilities, the excessive black ooze pouring down his eyes, the no-eyes thing, sharp teeth, working for Slenderman and his mysterious group of exceptional killers...

Okay, a lot was different from his past life. And maybe it was because of that difference that EJ felt that he had no right to human desires. Survival was essential, and with his abilities he was certain he could satiate his monstrous self. That would be all he needed, to survive. Emotions could be killed off for all he cared. Rather, he didn't think he deserved such a luxury.

A robotic killer. He felt that the name summed him up quite well.


When he first met her, he was rather disgusted.

Not with her, mind you, but with himself. It had been awhile since he last had a human meal, and his body was protesting against him. Having her human body nearby, the scent was like a freshly cooked dinner to a beggar. Not only that, but her open wound dripped blood so deliciously that he had to stop himself from attacking her right there and then.

None of the other members at the dinner table could tell, but for him it was pure torture.

Of course, Slenderman asking him to tend to her wounds made things a lot worse, but the robotic and capable him would comply to his boss's wishes.

Unfortunately, EJ lost his cool in the bathroom and lashed out on the poor girl.

He wasn't used to losing his cool.

Afterwards, he looked at Slenderman's newfound daughter with disdain from behind his mask. Breaking his self-control was an insult to him, because it implied he still had some humanity in him. He didn't want to have such complicated feelings.

That night, he went out for a quick kill. Some passerby nearby the Slenderman mansion. It was the first time he had done it since being hired by Slenderman. It was uncharacteristic, but he had to satisfy his hunger if he wanted to interact with that new girl.

[Y/N] he would soon learn was her name. And Slenderman made it very clear he didn't want EJ touching her at all.


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