Chapter 3

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The incoherent sounds in the distance became clearer booming voices the closer you got to the entrance of the dining room. Jack had entered the room before you did and, you found yourself not following him inside. Instead, you opted for eavesdropping on the conversation from the other side of the splendid wooden arch opening.

"And let me add that simply because your insatiable teenage hormones make you assume every situation is sexua---"

"Slender, your girl is by the door." Jack stated. It seems he had noticed you standing behind the doorway.

"[Y/N]!" Slenderman exclaimed, though you wish he had not. "I was just talking about how I wanted to introduce you to the others."

"I-I t-t-t-thought you were trying to tell us that you w-w-weren't having sex with he----" A jumble of almost incoherent stutters was interrupted by a loud slap sound. You locked eyes with the owner of the voice, whose own eyes were encased beneath a pair of goggles with a strong orange tint. Your face burned red as you silently thanked the masked man beside him who seemed to be the one who shut up the poor boy. You could not see it behind his white mask, but you felt his contempt for the boy's words.

Your eyes down turned towards the ground, finding your feet shuffling nervously. "I... I don't H-have. .. s-s-se...with Mr. Slenderma. .." It seemed the goggled boy's stuttering was contagious for you found that you suddenly became a bumbling fool.

"You don't need to answer that, [Y/N]," a comforting static voice filled your ears.

"Ooohhh~ Don't deny it, Slendy. Or else we'll think you and girly over here are hiding something naughty! Hehe~" A sing-song yet almost cackling voice overpowered Slenderman's. It's owner was the one with the ridiculously long nose which oddly matched his ridiculously fashioned black and white striped clothes. His eyes pierced into you, as if he already knew everything about you.

"I..." Your breath was hitched, your stomach churned and, you found yourself caged by everyone's gazes. "I should check on Sally." You turned to leave but were stopped by a knife flying past your head. It barely grazed your face as it hit the wall beside you.

You touched your cheek. There was blood on your hand.

You looked back, eyes widened in horror. A devilish smile greeted your frightened expression. Again, it was him, that dastardly teenager clad in white.

Flashbacks of a white room filled your vision. A man dressed in the purest of white approaching you. Your unheard screams becoming a song only the two of you shared...

Static. It filled everyone's senses. Your thoughts quickly came back to you yet, they left much quicker. You fell to the floor, caught between the web of black tendrils coming to aid you once more. You closed your eyes, seeing a glimpse of your dinner guests falling asleep as well.

You woke up, shooting up from your sheets like a bullet. Looking around, you could see that you were in your room. The walls were as they always were: decorated to your taste. Shelves with books given by Slenderman, toys scattered on the floor by a hyper Sally, bed filled with your scent and warmth; yes, this was definitely your room. Did that mean the dinner party was all a dream?

"No dream but, it sure was a nightmare."

You spoke too soon. Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted him. It was the same blue masked doctor.

"W-what are you doing in my room?!" You quickly exclaimed, instinctively using your blankets to cover yourself.

"What else? Slender wants me to take care of his precious little toy," he answered nonchalantly, his feet resting on your bed as he leaned back on the chair beside you.

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