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There in the distance is a light
Everything it shines on is exquisite
The reeds gently blow in the wind
They whisper to each other
The river giggles as it passes over rocks
The sun warms everything
The sky, the most passive blue
As clouds tiptoe across the sky
Fluffy clouds that carry dreams
There is no time
Only feeling and perfection
I so desperately want to feel it
To breathe in the fresh air
To experience the perfect day
But I am below the surface
And with each desperate breath
I seem to move farther away
The light grows dimmer
I'm clawing, grasping at the world
Telling myself if I just breathe
I can have it all
But I am breathing water
And the harder I try
The faster I drown

Learning to Breatheحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن