If I Gave You A Reason

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Hello, My prettties! I am truely sotty that I take so long to update... But, anyway! I can't believe how far this story has gone! Thank you all sooo much for your support, and for reading! I have almost 4,000 reads! That's incredible. And, in all honesty. I haven't even really gotten into the story yet. Right now, we're still basically in the introduction of everything. But, I am going to start getting to the good parts soon. This chapter is mainly for the starting of the band, so.... ENJOY!!


Leyna's POV

I awoke to the sound of singing. I immeadiatly knew the song, and the voice. I got out of Andy, and I's bunk, and walked into the living room area of the tour bus. There she was. She looked beautiful, I'm not saying that in a gay way, but in a "I'm proud to call her my best friend way." I recognised the shirt she was wearing, it was the one I got her for the best reason I could have given her a gift; for the sole reason that she is my one and only best friend. She keeps me together. She was the thing that motivated me to continue striving for my dreams. I don't know how she keeps it together all the time. After Lindsey, and her mom died, I was all she had, and even though that fact is true she still acted like my mother. She still loved me, and took care of me. I should have been there for her, and I was in a way, but I was so caught up in my own problems that I didn't ever stop to think until now how I should have taken care of her. Not the other way around.

I snapped back to reality, and she played the last few chords of "My Immortal" by Evanescence. She set her guitar down, and I saw a single tear slide down her face. I walked to the couch and sat down next to her. "Libby" I sighed. "Come here, baby girl." I said compassionately. She scooted closer to me, and layed her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her, and smoothed her hair. "Shh, I know. I know. It's okay now. Shh." I calmed. That song was the same song she would sing to her sister when she couldn't sleep. She hasn't sang or listened to that song since she died.

After about 5 minutes of crying, she calmed down, and I let her go. "Thank you. For... everything." She said so sincerely that I almost broke down in tears. "No...thank you." I smiled. She let asmall smile creep onto her face. " I see your wearing the shirt I gave you." I said in a cocky tone. "Well, it is my favorite shirt. It has my lifes motto on it." She smiled. "Ugly Memories, Beautiful Scars." I read. She's lived by that since she was 12. "The idea of taking all of the pain, and suffering you've been through in life so far, and using it to better yourself in the future. The idea of helping others who suffer, by relating, and showing them they aren't alone." She spoke confidently. We sat in a peacful silence just smiling to ourselves for a few minutes before she broke it. "Our first set is tonight." She stated happily. "Really?! I'm so stoked!" I exclaimed. She laughed at my sudden hyperactivity. We had found a bassist, and drummer earlier this week,and they learned all of the songs on the set list for warped.

2 hours go by, and it's 1:00 PM. Me, Libby, our drummer Levi, and our bassist Jordan are all standing side stage waiting for The Nearly Deads to finish up. "Are you nervous?" I asked Libby. She looked at me from the corner of her eye, and said "If your nervous, your not ready." That was what our Chorus teacher always told us, when we had recitals. How is she so calm all of the time?! I'm... Ugh! I can't think of another word for nervous. The Nearly Deads finished their set, and began to make their way off the stage. "Good luck!" They all chorused. "Thanks." I replied softly. "Five minutes!" one of stage hands yelled. I began to jump around, and yelling out random assortments of vocal warm-ups. "One minute." The same stage hand yelled. I sighed, grabbing my guitar, and walking to the edge of the stage. "You ready?" Libby asked walking up behind. "I don't think I ever will be." I told her trufully. "You never do. Your not supposed to." She said before following behind Levi, and Jordan.

I ran onto stage, and stopped in front of my mic. I looked out to the audience to find myself frozen in my place. Not out of stage fright, no, but out of astonishment. There must have been a hundred people out there. All waiting for us. As if being able to read my mind, Libby looked at me, and nodded her head. I smiled at her, and she turned back to the crowd. "HELLO DALLAS!!" Libby yelled into the mic making the crowd go nuts. "HOW ARE WE DOING TODAY?! YA'LL READY TO BE REVERSE REAPER'S FIRST SHOW EVER?!" She continued. The crowd went insane once again, and Libby giggled at all the excitment. "WELL, THEN! LET'S GET THIS SHIT GOING! THIS FIRST SONG IS CALLED "If I Gave You A Reason."" She bellowed, before turning to me, and nodding for me to start. I started the song, soon followed Jordan, then Levi, then Libby.  I looked out at the audience with a geniune smile on my face. This is the most amazing thing I have ever done in my life. This right here... this is what I was born to do.

Our set was only thirty minutes, but in the boiling hot sun of Texas that's a given. As we exited the stage I threw out a couple of my guitar picks, and Levi threw his sticks. I walked back stage, swiftly catching a towel our manager, Dustin chucked at me. I wiped my face, and caught up to Libby. "Wow." I said in astonishment. "Pretty amazing, huh?" She asked knowingly. "Incredible." I said still speachless. I was looking down at my shoes when I heard Libby scream. I looked up, and she wasn't next to me anymore. "Libby?!" I yelled. What the fuck just happened?! Next thing I knew, I was being picked up from behind. I started screaming, and the person put their hand over my mouth. The hand smelled of cigarettes. "I'll call the cops!" I yelled into their hand. "If I give you a reason." The person said. I'd know that voice anywhere. "Damnit, Andy! You scared the shit out of me!" I yelled "Awwe, baby! It was just a joke." He teased. "It wasn't funny!" I yelled again. He tried to hug me, but I pushed him away. "Blade, baby. Come on, don't be like that. Look how well Libby's taking it." He said pointing at Libby, and Kellin making out in the corner. I let out a defeated sigh, and walked towards him. "Just kiss me you idiot!"  I said playfully. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. We pulled away for air, and he pressed his forhead to mine. "You were amazing, by the way." He said softly. I smiled, and kissed him again. This is how it should be. This is what I have wanted my whole life. 


Well, that's it for now! Thank you for reading, I hope you weren't completely bored out of your minds. VOTE, COMMENT, FAN!!

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