Adam mumbled in his sleep, and Shiro smiled while pulling him closer. He looked so cute when he slept, and Shiro couldn't have been more relieved that at least one of his boyfriends was there.

That was when Shiro's phone began vibrating from where it sat next to him. It was probably the most startled Shiro had ever been in his life. He gasped to himself before taking a deep breath and trying to keep calm. He picked up his phone, seeing that it was a blocked number.

" Hello?" He answered, talking under his breath as not to wake Adam.

" How's your vacation going?" A deep voice asked from the other end, and Shiro scowled to himself while recognizing it in a split second.

" You." Shiro growled. " What do you want, huh? Are you here right now?"

Lotor chuckled.

" It's funny how I can be thousands of miles away and still manage to kill your people~" He purred in a way that made Shiro want to throw up all over the bedspread.

" You're sick." Shiro said. " Now why are you even calling me?"

" Oh... no reason..." Lotor smirked. " I was just wondering when you were planning on getting back?"

" Like hell I would ever tell you that." Shiro spat and hung up. That was so fucking weird. Lotor usually didn't call him out of the blue. He wondered if he was up to something no good, or even more no good than usually. Lotor was always ominous, but he hadn't planned any remarks to tell Shiro, and he didn't act like he was a killer straight out of a Scream movie. That was out of the ordinary.

Something was up.

Shiro panicked, wondering if Matt and Pidge were okay.

He called them as Adam began to stir beside him.

" Shiro?" He mumbled tiredly, and Shiro ran his hand through Adam's hair as if to silently assure him. Matt picked up a couple seconds later, and Shiro knew that he couldn't freak him out.

" Hey." Matt said casually.

Shiro breathed a sigh of relief, deciding he could just act like he was calling him to check on Pidge.

" How is she? Have the doctors said anything?" Shiro asked, and Adam scooted closer to cuddle on his side.

" She's fine. They still want to keep her for another night, but they're thinking tomorrow she'll get discharged." Matt explained, noticing some sort of difference in Shiro's voice. " Is everything okay?"

" Yeah, that's great. Everything is great." Shiro said. He was the leader. He couldn't go scaring everyone right away. It was almost like he was the president trying to avoid a state of panic among a nation.

Matt seemed skeptical, and Shiro already knew it without the man even having to say anything

" Um... okay."

There was a knock outside Shiro, Adam, and Matt's bedroom.

" Shiro?" Lance poked his head in.

" Yeah?" Shiro asked, and Adam could once again be heard snoring.

Lance got nostalgia to back when he was a child, and he would ask his parents to go out. It had the same energy, and it brought him back to his days on the beach.

" Can me and Keith go out? We wanted to grab dinner..." Lance said.

" I don't see why not. Just... use the buddy system like I told you to." Shiro sighed, stressed.


Lance gazed at Keith from across the half circle shaped booth they sat in. The restaurant around them was bustling, and smelled of grilled pineapple and many other foods.

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