Chapter 34

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~ Allison's POV~

A few moments later the others went to the cashier and we I mean I paid for all of it and not taking any of their money. Zach paid for the foods he bought for us because Zach and I will have our best friend night. Now,  we are walking in the parking lot walking towards the car. The boys carried the food and put it in the trunk. Someone called me from behind and I saw Bryce's friend. I got nervous suddenly when I heard him.

"I didn't know you're here. " Mike said and I just faked smiled at him , walked in front of him.

"We just arrived a few nights ago. " I replied and he smiled.

"How's London? " He asked

"Same old,  same old. " I said trying to hide my nervousness and he chuckled

"Why didn't you and Bryce texted me that your here?  And who are these people with you? " He asked.

"They're my friends from Cresmont. It slipped our minds and forgot to text you. " I replied and he just nodded

"Well. I guess I will just see you around. " He said and I nodded. He pulled me into a hug and I was shocked not wanting to hugged him back. I just hugged him back while I can feel my heart racing. Both of us pulled away and I returned to my friends who are now sitting inside the car.  I went to the driver's  seat and started the engine and I saw that It was only Zach in front.  I looked behind me and I saw him sitting with Clay.

"What is taking you so long? " asked Hannah.

"Um.  I bumped into my friend. " I replied and Jess smirked at me.

"Yeah a guy friend. " said Jessica while wiggling her eyebrows at me. I just stayed quiet. 

"He's cute. " said Hannah. I just faked smiled at them and I got nervous. Now that he knows that I'm here,  I don't want to happened before. I just started  to drive, ignore the others and when we arrived I quickly got out of the car and ran upstairs. I could feel their eyes are on me when I ran.  I locked my door and tears are flowing as I just slid and I wrapped my arms around my legs and cry into my knees. Memories are flashing back inside my head which makes me cry harder. That night is the worst night ever.

I tried to calm myself down but I couldn't. Tears are still flowing and my heart weakens. I heard someone lightly knocking at my door. Then the person sat behind the door.

"Hey. " Bryce said I sobbed trying to wipe my tears.

"Breath slowly to calm yourself. Remember? " He said and I started to breath slowly and the tears eventually stopped.

"That's it. Can you tell me what happened? You seemed fine awhile ago. " Said Bryce and I just sniffed and i unlocked the door I stood up and when Bryce saw me He immediately hugged me and then the tears started falling again. He started to rubbed my back as I continue to cry on his shoulder. He didn't care if I soaked his shirt with my tears beside he told since we're little if I ever had a problem I can cry to him.

"I s-saw M-mike. " I hiccuped and Bryce just hugged me tighter. He pulled out of the hug and he wiped my tears.

"Did he try something to you? " He asked getting angry and I just shook my head.

"He just asked me when did I arrived and when we finished talking he pulled me into a hug. " I replied and I looked to Bryce's eyes and they are fuming with anger.

"If I see him I could triple his wounds the last time I beat him up before. " said Bryce and I just smiled lightly.

"From now on. If you are going out I'll come with you even if you protest. " Bryce said and I nodded and hugged him.

"I love you Bryce. "I said and he hugged me tightly once again.

"Love you too Sis" said Bryce and we pulled out of the hug and Bryce gave me a handkerchief,  I gladly took it and wiped under my eyes. I weakly smiled at him and he smiled back. I went to my bed and lay there and Bryce copied my actions. I hear a dog whimpered outside my door. I stood up and opened the door to see Toulouse. I picked her up and went to my bed and lay her in the middle of me and Bryce. 

"Hey Toulouse" Bryce said and he scratch his head.

"Are we gonna bring them back to Cresmont?" I asked

"Maybe. So we can have someone to play to." Replied Bryce and I smiled widely.

"We're gonna stay here for a week right?" I asked and he nodded.

"What are your plans on you're upcoming birthday?" Bryce asked and I just groaned at him.

"Don't remind me." I said and he just laughed at me while Toulouse  barked at Bryce for being noisy.

"You know, you scared the shit out of your friends when you ran here." said Bryce.

"Really?" I said and he just nodded

"Yeah, their faces were drained of color because they taught you cried because of them." replied Bryce

"You know you can tell them right?" Added Bryce.

"Yeah I know. But I'm too scared of their reactions." I replied

"They will understand. They're you're friends. " Bryce explained.

"Well, I need to go down now since I'm the cook for the day." He said as he stood up and walked towards the door. I quickly stand up and picked up Toulouse and I grabbed Bryce's arm.

"I'll go down too." I said and he opened the door and both of us went downstairs. I saw our friends just hanging around at the living room. I just walked straight to the kitchen and locked the doors. I don't want them see me like this. I just prepared all the meat that needs to be cooked for today.  I assembled the burger patties and seasoned the ribs, chicken,some fish, and the pork. Once I'm finished I cleaned up the counter tops and sweep the floors.

Toulouse just barked at me and I grabbed the treats and gave some for her.

"C'mon T, you want to go outside?" I asked my dog and she barked happily. I unlocked the  doors, and I leave a note for anyone who enters the kitchen. I opened the back door and walked outside with Toulouse.

As we were playing outside, I saw Jeff carrying the seasoned meat and put it on the table beside the grill, while Bryce is cleans the grill and Zach puts the coals on it. But the three of them didn't saw me. I saw the others went outside and I just quickly grabbed Toulouse and walked to the shore. We have a stairway that leads to the shore. I put down Toulouse and she ran around. I smiled and I went by the waves and soak my feet.

"Why are you here all alone?" Someone said from behind and I turned to look who said it and I saw its Zach. I relaxed my body since it wasn't Mike.

"Nothing. Just calming my nerves." I replied as I continue to stand there looking at the horizon. I feel him standing beside me.

"What happened earlier?" asked Zach. I felt tears forming on my eyes.

"Promise me NOT to tell ANYONE" I replied and i turn to look at Zach and he nodded.

"I promise" Zach said as he raised his hand to make a promise.

"It happened last 2 years ago." I said as tears falling.

I Love You To The Moon and Back { Jeff Atkins / Zach Dempsey Fanfi } ( ON-GOING)Where stories live. Discover now