Chapter 11

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~ Real life ~

~Allison's pov ~

So I woke up and stretched my arms upward as I let out a yawn. I sat up and looked at the clock in my nightstand and I saw it was already 9 am. So I got up and remembering the events last night. I just drink a couple of shots but it didn't gave me a hangover because sometimes me and my brother Bryce drink alcohol when our parents aren't around. I'm still 16 turning 17 in a few weeks. But I'm still underage. I was wearing my nightgown so I quickly changed into some ripped shorts and my large black hoodie that reaches on my mid-thigh. I have some fuzzy socks and went downstairs towards the kitchen.

I went to the pantry and gathered the ingredients for making pancakes. I mix all the pancake batter and decided to make more than 30 pancakes because I know my friends will eat a lot. I'm great at cooking, sometimes I cook for me and my brother and he always praises my cooking. As I was cooking , I always turned on some music so that it wasn't to boring when I cook. I totally stop myself from dancing even though I want too but I would be very embarrassed if someone walked in the kitchen.

As I was doing the second stack of pancakes. My favorite song came on. You & I by one direction. I sang along as I make a couple more stack of pancakes. When I heard the high notes I decided to copy it and I heard clapping behind me and I saw Jeff. Looking at me I just shook my head and continue cooking.

"Wow. I didn't know you could sing beautifully" Jeff said and I blushed from that comment.

"Why , thank you Mr. Atkins for your compliment" I said as I bowed my head and he chuckled

"You have a cute british accent" he said and I just rolled my eyes at him

"Why so many compliments this morning Jeffy?" I asked and he just glared at me with the nickname I always call him.

"Well, I didn't have complimented you in 2 months so I got to do it today Ally" Now it was my turn to glare at him but we both laughed.

"Want a helping hand?" He asked and I just nodded.

"Can you please put the stack of pancakes at the table please" I asked and he did what I say and we both finished in a few minutes. I grab a pot and pour some water and put it into the stove to boil it to make some tea for the people who have hungovers and I grab some Tylenol and put it beside each stack of pancakes except mine and Jeff's.

"No hungover?" I asked and he just shook his head.

"None. Both of us drink the same equal shots and after that we just drink cola from the rest of the night." He explained and I just nodded. Then Bryce went to the dining room and looked at the table with his eyes wide open.

"Am I dreaming right now or this is real?" Bryce asked and me and Jeff laughed,

"Its real bro. You can eat." As I said that he went to his chair and started digging into his plate.

"I missed your cooking sis" He said with his mouth full of pancakes, I just chuckled at him while shaking my head.

"Don't talk with your mouth full Bryce" I said and he looked up from his plate and rolled his eyes at me and I rolled my eyes at him too. Then the others walked in or maybe stumbled their way to the dining room.

"Good morning guys!" I said and they all shushed me, I just pouted at them and walked over to my brother and sat beside him and Jeff sat on my other side.

"Ugh! Me head hurts" Jess said and the others nodded at her comment.

"Why aren't you three having a hungover," Hannah asked. Me, Bryce and Jeff just shrugged at them.

I Love You To The Moon and Back { Jeff Atkins / Zach Dempsey Fanfi } ( ON-GOING)Where stories live. Discover now