Chapter 9

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"So?? How's everything with Jeff?" He asked and I just rolled my eyes.

"We're okay" I replied and it was his turn to roll his eyes.

"Okay." He replied and I just looked at him.

"Did you plan this?" I asked and he smiled.

"Well the party and inviting your friends, Yes. But with the theme, Jeff had to do with that." He explained and  I was shocked when Jeff had still remembered that I love unicorns.

"Really? I thought he forget about that?" I said and he laughed.

"He literally instructed everyone to do their best and he wants everything to be perfect." He replied and I just smiled.

"Ya know , he really likes you" He added and I look at him.

"Ya think?" I asked and he nodded.

"Of course.  You could see it in his eyes when Zach hugged you a few minutes ago that he's jealous." He said. I just laughed and the  my phone ringed.  I pulled it out of my pocket and I saw 'Mommy' on the screen. I looked over to Bryce and he just nodded. I answered the call and put it on speaker.

{ Mommy ; Allison; Bryce ; Bryce and Allison}

Hello sweetie. Are you at the house now?

Yes, Mom. I'm here at the pool house with Bryce.

Hey Mom!

Hello to you too Bryce. How was your flight Allison? 

Its great. Just not falling asleep for a couple of hours but its okay.

Me and your Father are sorry because we're not there to hug you.

Its okay mom. Just do your work and when you comeback I will hug you tightly.

Bryce you better take care of your sister.

Yes mom. I will.

Okay.. Well I better get going . Me and your father still have a meeting. See you two soon .

See you soon mom

Love you two!

Love you too mom.

I ended the call and put my phone back into my pocket and just wiped the tears that are falling and Bryce hugged me.

"Don't worry sis. I'm here." He said while I cry into his shoulder and he pulled out of the hug and he kissed me on my forehead and wiped the tears with his thumbs.

"I'm lucky to have you as my Big brother Bryce" I said and he smiled

"And I'm lucky to have you as my little sister Allison" He said and I smiled.

"Let's go inside. Maybe they are wondering where we went." He added and I nodded and both of us walked inside. Then I went to the girls by the counter with full of my favorite chips.

"Hey girls" I said and they all turned to me and gave me a smile.

"Hey Ally. Are you okay?" Jess asked and I nodded.

"Yeah , I'm fine just got a call from my parents. " I replied and they all nodded.

"You still have a british accent" Sheri said and I smiled

I Love You To The Moon and Back { Jeff Atkins / Zach Dempsey Fanfi } ( ON-GOING)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ