Chapter 3

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~ Real Life ~

~Bryce's POV~

I am here all alone in the house since our parents went to a another business trip. I know how this affects Allison's feelings whenever our parents are away when she's just about to go back home from London. I'm just a year older than her. And I would do everything to make her happy. Its just 12 pm here while at London its 11 pm. That means in just 12 - 15 hours and she will arrive from here little vacay.

An idea pop into my mind and decided to make a group chat with mine and her friends.

BryceW added Jeff, Zachy and 12 others in the Group chat.

BryceW named the group chat to Friends🤷‍♂️🤷?

Zachy: hey!!!

Monty: sup!

Hannah : why am I in this GC?

Clay: ^ I'm thinking the same thing.

Tony: ^ me too

Alex: we aren't friends Bryce.

Marcus : what is this for Bryce?

Jeff: ???

BryceW: I know some of you aren't my friends and
I am sometimes an asshole to you guys but listen, some of you
are friends with my sister and whoever is her
friend will become my friend too.

Hannah: Wow.

Tony: Not sometimes Bryce.
Always an Asshole.

Ryan: This is the first time not seeing Bryce become an asshole in a GC.

Zachy: Can you guys stop complementing
Bryce while he is about to say anything
about why he created this GC.



Bryce: Thanks Jeff , Zachy and Justin.

Bryce: As I was saying , I was thinking about throwing a
'welcome home 'party for Allison since our
parents aren't here and I know she will be
sad since the absence of our parents when she is home
again from vacation.I don't want her to feel that she's alone
and I kind of need your help with preparing for the party
since some of you practically know her so well than I do.

Justin: you don't know your sister to well?

Zachy: how is it possible? You practically
lived with each other since before even you were born.

Bryce: She's good at keeping secrets.
So who's gonna help?

Jeff: ME!

Zachy: Me

Ryan: if its for Ally then I'll go. I miss my Queen.




Monty: Count me in.

Alex: Me too.

Courtney: Me.

Sheri: Me too!

Justin : Me and Jess will help too.

Tyler: Me. I'll be the one who's
gonna take the pictures.

Bryce : Thanks you guys. Tyler you better not put
this on the 'yearbook' or I'll punch you to pieces.

Marcus: Count me in as well because
I want to see her again.

Jeff: You better not to try and force
yourself to her or you'll regret it.

Clay: Jeff's defending Allison♥

Hannah: ^Ship

Jessica: ^Ship


Tony: ^Ship

Monty: ^ Ship

Zachy: ^ Ship

Alex: ^Ship

BryceW: Don't get near my sister Marcus. This may sound weird
but I kind of Ship my sister and Jeff.

BryceW removed Marcus in this GC.

Zachy: Jeff you've got Bryce's approval.
Ask her out man.

Jeff: Stop it you guys . I'm just
defending her as her best friend.

BryceW: C'mon man, I know you like my sister.

Jeff: No I don't.

Clay: Stop being indenial, you can't stop
staring at her everytime when we are at the library.

Monty: Dude, you always look for her
at the hallways before first period.

Scotty: And you always looking at her when we were at the cafeteria.

Jeff: Clay, I thought I told you to
keep that a secret.

BryceW: Don't worry man, I'm cool with you
dating my sister but if you broke her heart I will
hunt for you and wishing you never did something wrong with her.

Hannah: I might add that you always went
to our communications class and always put
a note in her bag single everyday.

Jessica: Yeah, like flowers in her locker,
a letter at the windshield of the car.

Jeff: I promise I will to not break her heart .
I will take care of her just like you did.




BryceW: Okay. Now that everything is settled you
guys can sleep over here tonight while
I distributed the tasks for you guys to do.

Clay: ^ ok

Hannah: ^Yes sir.

Jessica: ^


Tony: ^

Monty: ^

Zachy: ^

Alex: ^

Jeff: ^

After reading their replies I know this will be the party that my sister will never forget. I went to the pool house and get some maids to clean it up because our friends are will come over and play some video games while brainstorming our ideas for the party.

I Love You To The Moon and Back { Jeff Atkins / Zach Dempsey Fanfi } ( ON-GOING)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz