Ice Skating

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There isn't enough RichJake content in the world, so I feel the need to contribute to the pool of fanfics-

Please write more RichJake-

It gives me life

It is my soul


Ships: Boyf riends, RichJake, Cinnabun, Pinkberry
Trigger Warnings: none

Outside, the air was chilly and the trees were barren. The temperature was a chilly 19°F. That meant everyone who didn't want to freeze or bundle up was left in their house.

Michael stared out the window, Bob Marley blasting in his headphones. He watched the small snow flakes float past him, making their way to the cold, white ground. Suddenly, his phone vibrates, showing a text on the group chat.

Upon opening it, he found that Rich had texted the squad.

SmolBi: hey gays wanna go ice skating

TheaterIsLife: ooo yes

PlayerTwo: it's like u want to see me fall flat on my face-

Michael snickered. Whenever you put Jeremy on ice skates, he was like a fawn learning how to walk.

PlayerOne: hehe not our fault you are hopeless on ice

Pink: lol-

Berry: hehe

Ah yes, the cute couple names that Chloe and Brooke chose. It was nearly impossible to remember which one was which though-

JakeyD: babe, we can make it a date-

Pink: ooo how about we make it a double date, Brookey

Oh yeah, Pink was Chloe-

JennaRollin': let's just make it a quadruple date-

PlayerTwo: sounds good-

SmolBi: great, see u at the rink in 30 min

Closing his phone, Michael stood up and stepped away from his window sill, giving the snowflakes on last look before stepping out of his room and heading downstairs.

In about five minutes, Michael's dark red PT Cruiser pulled up in front of Jeremy's house. Jeremy swung open the door and ran to the car.

When he first got into the car, he pecked Michael's lips and said sweetly, "Hey, Micha~"

Michael laughed and flirts back, "Hey, babe- you look adorable."

Jeremy was wearing a blue sweater with a pink heart patch and a bi flag patch on his shoulder.

He flashed a quick smile before Michael pulled the car away from the house and headed off towards the skating rink.

[Be More Chill] One Shots - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now