Chapter 11 - New Territory

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Nathan was glad he had put on his gun, it seemed like the man facing him wouldn't care if he had one or not and it made him wonder about the events at the Wellman ranch. They certainly didn't mind throwing their weight round, he thought, throwing a bit of his own.

"Well if he wants to get to that business any time soon he's going to have to fill out the reports first."

"I don't think you heard me, Sheriff." Trace spread his stance a bit and slipped the leather keep off of the hammer on his gun.

"Can't Mister Playford speak for himself?" Nathan shrugged inside, focusing his mind.

Ansen looked at the two men and the slow but steady gathering of residents who observed the possibility of something serious developing and called to his man. "I can get this done, Trace. No need causing the Sheriff to get upset, he's just doing his elected job."

"Pleased you agree; it's why civilized towns have these rules." Nathan stepped back and opened the office door and waited.


"Do you believe them?" Allison adjusted her skirt on the bench, held the bouquet to her nose and made room for Nathan. They had strolled back to the church graveyard to watch another sunset and discuss the contents of the envelope but after what happened earlier he didn't really have any more questions for Allison. Playford was here to see that nobody blocked his plan and Trace was along to see nobody blocked Playford.

"Would take a bit of stretching. I doubt even a drunk Corbin could miss two men with seven shots from a rifle while being close enough to take two in the chest from a six gun.

"Why do you think they would kill him?

"Pretty sure I know that, but can't prove it yet. What I don't know is what makes them so sure they'll get the land."

She linked her fingers around the bouquet and shifted around on the bench. "Is that what you wanted to ask me about? Because I'm from Cincinnati?"

"Yes, I did but don't need to now . . . I just thought maybe you'd heard of him what with you looking into Wellman and all." He dropped the envelope between them and looked across at the setting sun. "Not quite as pretty as last time."

'Still, it's lovely- it's a lovely spot- even if it is a graveyard." She gave a small laugh.

"Lovely spot for a lovely lady . . ." He did a mental eye roll and cursed the heat he felt from the comment.

"That was very sweet, Nathan, thank you."

The silence lasted until the sun blended into the horizon and he was grateful she couldn't see the expression on his face. Where did he get these phrases he used? Why was this so difficult when he bantered so easily with the other women he knew? Uh- huh?"

"I said thank you."

"Oh-- the flowers?"

"No, Nathan. The compliment." She set the flowers on top of the envelope and leaned over, kissing his cheek.

The darkness prevented him from seeing her face but twin lights glimmered in her eyes and he felt for her hand, pulling her close enough to bump noses. Good God, he thought, can I do anythi-, her lips touched his, gently at first then more urgently. A jolt like he had never felt before hit him square in the chest and his arms went around her, crushing her to him and shivering as her arms wrapped around his neck.


Mayor Covey was not pleased with the start of his day. The two men waiting outside his office looked too much like trouble, especially the one with the unblinking, lead coloured eyes. He entered his office listening to the demands of the one man and bustled to get himself organized safely behind his desk.

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