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Avi and Delilah had a beautiful beach wedding with some close friends and family. They had the inside of their wedding rings engraved. Avi's said "the impossible dream" and Delilah's said "the fantasy girl" because they were still very really feelings for them. Delilah ended up getting a job with Pentatonix as the album artist as well as manger of advertisement design. Avi and Delilah had 3 kids together. The 1st was a boy, followed by twin girls. Their names are Jason, Melody and Amelia. They all lived happily ever after.


So I hope you enjoyed my fanfic. I was going to have some time in between them getting to California and Avi proposing but I didn't know how to use up some time without it sucking or being really cheesy. With that being said, this has been a journey of ups and downs. I'm not going to lie, I cried a bit when writing some of these parts. I apologize for the morbid beginning with Scott but I needed something heart wrenching to act as my hook. I enjoyed writing this a lot. However, writing Fanfics is very hard because you have to really put yourself in the position of the main character so your reality gets mixed in and it basically ruins your life. (Which is another reason I cut it a bit short.) I probably won't be making another any time soon so don't hold your breath. It's going to take me a while to dream up some new material. Thank you for reading my story. It means a lot. I hope you enjoyed (: [i also apologize for the abrupt ending.]

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