Impossible Dreams.

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I wake up with a sudden jolt of fear I think I scared Avi because he jumped too. Our fingers were interlocked and my head was on his shoulder. With his free hand, Avi moved a piece of hair out of my face and said "are you okay? You looked distressed while you were sleeping. I didn't want to wake you though. Jetlag sucks." I tried forcing a smile but I couldn't get one out. "Babe? What's wrong?" Avi said obviously worried. I looked up into his now sad eyes and said "it.. It was just a bad dream" I said snuggling up close. Avi released my hand and wrapped his arm around me. "Tell me about it." With a big gulp, I took a deep breath and began to explain the nightmare.

'I was siting on a bench with Avi near an empty parking lot and I saw my ex, Steven walking around. I was afraid because he was super abusive. "Avi, I'm scared." I said quietly. His head whipped away from his phone and looked at me. "That's my ex. He's gonna hurt me. I know it." I said shaking. Steven began to get closer and Avi stood up. "No please! Let's just leave!" I pleaded, pulling on Avi's arm. "No way. No one hurts my girl." Steven was now standing face to face with Avi. "Please! Avi get away! " I said with tears in my eyes. "He's dangerous!" I yelled. Steven began reaching for something in his back pocket and I screamed at Avi. "AVI PLEASE! GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Steven looked at me and got very angry. "Who the f*** is Avi? You're my girl!" I grabbed Avi's hand and began to run. Steven pulled out a knife and went to throw it at me. "NO!" Avi screamed, jumping in front of it. It all happened so fast. Avi was on the floor, blood every where. He got hit right in the chest. "Please! Avi no please! Please" I said frantically trying to see through my tears. Steven ran away and I was just left there with my boyfriend bleeding. Dying. In my arms. "Avi, get away from my past. It's too dangerous." I whimpered as I suddenly jolted awake.'

Avi sat silently for a minute. After studying my frightened demeanor, he said "Your ex..." Avi began. "He hurt you?" With a tear in my eye I said "yes. So much. I tried leaving him so many times but he didn't agree with the breakup so he would beat me. He would slice my arm with his knife until I agreed to stay." I said quietly. "Baby." Avi said as he pulled me close. "I will take away the hurt and pain he caused you. I will make you better, I promise." I smiled and snuggled into Avi's embrace. "So, Avi... Are we..?" I asked quickly. He smiled and said "do you want to be?" I smiled and with a nod I said "yes, absolutely." Avi laughed and said "Good. Sometimes I wonder if anyone could ever like me." I looked up at him and said "you literally have thousands of girls screaming your name at every concert. There is a lot of people who like you" he shrugged. "well, yeah but they're fans. Fans don't count. They don't know me like a friend does. I don't know any of them. You, I feel like I really know you. As if you were created in a dream. A character of my own design that visits me every night and now you're here in my reality. It feels too good to be true. You are my fairytale." Avi said with a low tone. "Oh, Avi. You are the fantasy that I was born into. I couldn't even create such beauty and perfection. But then I woke up from that dream and was faced with you, my biggest hope.. My greatest disappointment now has become the greatest point in my existence." Avi kissed my cheek and whispered "let me give your heart a break. " I smiled. "You make a lot of references don't you?" We both laughed.

The plane landed so we both looked out the window. We have finally arrived in Seattle. Avi stood up and stretched. I shook Mitch until he woke up. "You were passed out the entire flight" I said to his sleepy eyes. Mitch smiled and said "mommy needs her beauty sleep." I laughed and grabbed my backpack from Avi who was emptying the carry on bin above the seats. "After you, my dear." Avi said while motioning for me to go I front of him. "So did you kiss yet?" I heard Mitch whisper to Avi from behind. He chuckled and ignored the question. With a smirk I dapped Kevin as I passed by his seat with Kirstie. Finally off of the cramped plane, we gathered up with all of our stuff at a table in the airport. "Where first?" Kirstie asked the group checking her phone after turning it back on. Kevin and Avi both said "FOOD!" We all laughed. "Well, let's find a good food place then." Scott said. "Actually, I was thinking of going to the salon." Mitch said jokingly. We all laughed at Mitch's cheeky sarcasm then Kevin said "My friend told me about this really good BBQ place not far from the airport." Avi's eyes widened. "YES! I vote yes!" He said with excitement. "Okay. BBQ then! Everyone alright with that?" Esther said. We all agreed so we began the short journey to dinner. I slung my backpack on my shoulder, wrapped my arm around Avi's waist and dragged my rolling suitcase behind me. Avi put his arm on my shoulders and pulled me close. He kissed my cheek and said "My fairytale." I held him tight, looked in his eyes and said "My impossible dream."

We got to the restaurant and everyone sat down. We were sat in a jumbo booth and Avi was against the wall with Me next to him, and Scott next to me. Across from us, Kirstie was in front of Avi, then Esther, then Kevin, then Mitch.

I had my arm on my lap while I looked through the menu but Avi slid his hand down and grabbed mine, interlocking our fingers. I looked up to him and smiled. Our hands were resting on his knee. I continued to look through the menu. "What are you all getting? I can't decide." I said looking around the table. "Ribs." Kevin said. "Same." Added Avi. "That's a shock" Scott said. I laughed and said "why not? I'll get what the boys are getting." I said giving up on the menu. Everyone was in the midst of a conversation that I was only half paying attention to. I couldn't stop thinking about that dream. Steven and I finally broke up for real only about a month ago when he got sent to juvie for having a knife at school. The thought of Avi getting hurt ripped me apart. I just about cried at the thought of anything happening to him. Avi squeezed my hand so I looked at him. 'You okay?' He mouthed to me. I nodded with a smile. I don't think he bought it because he gave me a worried look. I sighed then whispered "I can't imagine anything bad happening to you. It's too much." With a very serious face, Avi whispered back "I would take a knife for you any day. I will never let anything bad happen to you ever again." I smiled and kissed his fuzzy cheek.

The food arrived and we all ate the amazing BBQ dinner. Afterwards, we all drove to starbucks for some drinks. We were all sat at a table inside with our drinks, laughing and being loud just because we can.

"So Delilah, are you staying with Avi and I again tonight?" Kevin said to me. It was more of a plead than a question. "Yeah, sure. Sounds like fun." I replied with a smile. "Kevin has his xbox so we can play mario cart if you want." Avi said. I got super exited because I absolutely love mario! "Yasss!!!" I exclaimed throwing my head back and being a typical white girl. "Ooh. Avi. You've got a gamer, too. She just keeps getting better and better!" Kevin said jokingly. "Yeah, just remember who has got her" he said defensively. "I love it when you get defensive. It's cute" I said, not meaning for it to have actually been said out loud. Avi blushed. "Awwe isn't that sweet!" Kevin poked. "You're not going to think it's sweet when I destroy you in mario cart!" I said matter of factly. "Ohh! Sounds like a challenge!" Avi shouted. I smirked and took a sip of my coffee. "Ok, ok. We'll jut have to see who is really better when we get to the room." Kevin said nonchalantly. "Well let's find out right now!" Avi said quickly. "Alright! Let's go!" I added.

We ditched the rest of the crew and checked into the hotel we would be staying at for the next few nights.

We got into the room and there was 3 2liters of soda on the kitchen counter. We all threw our stuff down and Kevin said "I'll set up the game, Delilah, you go get some ice for these bad boys." I nodded pulling my phone out of my pocket to check the time. "I'll go with you. I don't want you getting lost or something." Avi said with a wink.

"Alright, lead the way." I said flirtatiously. We left the room and I began walking down the hall. Avi grabbed my hand and spun me around so I was facing him. He pulled me close and kissed me hard. I was in shock at first because I wasn't expecting it. But then, all I felt was Avi's soft lips. I put my arms on his shoulders and he put his arms around my waist. He pulled me close so my body was pressed against his. He pushed me up against the wall and lightly licked my lip requesting permission for his tongue to part my lips. I bit his lip gently and his tongue filled my mouth. Dancing around with my own. He, in return bit my lip lightly then slipped out. Pecking my lips one last time. He tried to let go but I pulled him in for more. I felt him smile against my lips. He whispered " Wow. You're amazing" he pecked my lips for the last time then pulled away slowly letting my hands slide down his chest. "You are too." I said, still slightly in shock. Avi cupped my chin with his hand and looked me in the eyes. With his other hand, he grabbed my waist and pulled me close again. "I love you." I whispered with a smile. "I love you so much!" Avi replied. I stole one more peck then we walked down the hall to actually get some ice.

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