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I ran up to Avi who was now standing, facing me, obvious excitement in his eyes. I jumped into his arms. "I'm so glad I found you" I said to him, tears in my eyes. "I'm so glad you came after me. I didn't want to leave you." Avi said back to me. "I love you, Delilah. I never want to leave your side" He continued. I looked up at his eyes. They were finally back to the happy green I loved so much. "Why would you leave me?" I asked him. Avi sat down so I did the same "Because your mom... She texted me telling me that if I didn't bring you back to town she would have a hit man come and kill you. I reasoned with her enough to let you at least stay with Jason. I needed to know you were safe and I didn't want to send you back to that horrible house. I care about you too much to put you in danger just because I didn't want to give you up." Avi spoke slowly, quietly. "Avi, you should have told me.. My mom is all talk. She doesn't actually do anything.. She has my dad do it but since he is in jail, there is no danger." I assured him. "I didn't want to worry you, I didn't want you to object because I knew it would be the only way to keep you safe. I'm sorry." Avi said putting his head down so he was looking at his feet. Jason walked into the food court and saw us. With a sigh of relief, he walked up to us. "I'm so glad you found him, mama. You two are perfect for each other. I can tell just from seeing you together for less than an hour." He said with a smile. "Did you tell her? Is that why she came?" Avi asked Jason. His smile quickly faded as a slight worry came across it. "Uhh... yeah, I did.." He started "I just saw how broken you both were and I knew that Delilah wasn't in any danger so I had to help her get you back." He explained quickly. Avi laughed. "It's okay. I'm glad you did. Relieved, actually. I don't know how I would have dealt with not being with this amazing woman." Avi said looking over at me with a weary grin. I returned the pleasant smile and we looked intently into each other's eyes. Jason cleared his throat then said " So, are you guys staying in town or are you goin back to LA? " Avi and I broke our stare and turned to him. "uhh..." Avi said turning to me, waiting for a response. "Uhm.. No we aren't staying. I did really enjoy seeing you again, though. I've really missed you" I said standing up and hugging my 'dad'. "It's okay, I understand. I've missed you too, mama. Please keep in touch, though. I don't want to slip out of your life just because you have a new man to take care of you." Jason said jokingly. "I will make sure to take very good care of her, I promise." Avi said with a chuckle. "And I promise to keep in touch. I have to. Who else am I going to brag about all of the awesome things Avi and I do together?" I said with a wink. "Good." Jason said with a chuckle. Avi looked at his watch and said "well, we wont be able to get on the flight I had originally planned on. It just took off. "It's okay" I said. "We can spend some time together, the three of us. I want you to get to know each other better. You are the two most important men in my life. I mean, if you're available?" I continued. Jason smiled and said "anything for you, girl!" Avi agreed too and we walked out to Jason's car. "I'll get some new tickets for tonight, okay?" Avi said once he got in the car with me. I nodded and smiled as Jason also got in the car. "Starbucks?" He suggested. "Yes!! Maybe this one won't knock out when we get on the plane if she is drugged up on caffeine." Avi said pointing to me. Jason laughed and said "Okay. I know a really nice one that not many people go to. We can talk and bond there nice and easy."

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