Ch 99 - How to Hope for the Best

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"Welcome!" the Barto Club cried as they all wiped their tears with the back of their hands, "Thank you again for coming aboard this ship."

"Boss!" one of them cried, "He's so dazzling. I can barely see him."

"So they're all like that..." Usopp whispered as a sweat dropped down his head.

"Maybe we should make some sunglasses for them," Nana chuckled as she plopped herself down on one of the couches. She brought her backpack to her lap and began to finish up on her wings.

"Bartolomeo, just get us to Zou as fast as you can," Law sighed and took a seat next to Nana.

"Oy! Who do you think you're talking to?" Bartolomeo snapped at the Heart Pirate.

Zoro picked up the newspaper resting on the couch opposite of them and thumbed through it as he sat across from Nana. "We're counting on you, Crest Head."

Bartolomeo changed his tune immediately. His grin came back to his face as soon as his eyes left Law and settled on the swordsman, "Okay! Leave it in my hands!" He turned around and faced his crew, "Alright, guys! Let's head for Zou at full speed!"


Usopp, Robin, and Franky also took a seat on the couches while Luffy sat on top of a barrel near them while the Barto Club members scrambled in every direction to get the ship moving even faster than before.

"I wonder if Sanji and the others got to the island safely," Usopp sighed.

"Nami is with them so I'm sure navigation was fine," Franky said, "I'm more worried whether or not they were able to get away from Big Mom's ship."

"Have more faith in the Sunny," Nana grunted as she twisted her screwdriver with much more force than needed, "I'm sure they got away just fine."

"Oy. Luffy," Zoro said as he read the paper, "Seems like our bounties have gone up."

"What? Really?!" Luffy cried excitedly. Even Nana tore her focus off her busywork and looked over at the swordsman.

Bartolomeo grinned and a faint blush rose to his cheeks. "Oh. You guys didn't know? I have the wanted posters in my room so if you want to see it, step this way!"

With another flourishing sweep of his arm as a signal, his men rolled out a red carpet from the couches to an opened door across the deck. The Barto Club lined up along the carpet and created a tunnel using their outstretched arms.

"Please! Right this way!" the Barto Club shouted.

Luffy grinned. "Alright. Let's go!"

Even Nana couldn't help but get caught up in the admiration sent their way. "I could get used to this kind of treatment," she said with a wink and a smile to her fans as she walked by.

"Ah! Nana-Senpai is so dazzling!" they screamed.

"Oy, Trafalgar," Bartolomeo smirked as the Heart Pirate stayed on the couch while the Straw Hats went into the room, "I threw out yours but your bounty has gone up to 500 million."

Law rolled his eyes. "Thanks but I don't care about the price."

Nana's lower jaw went sideways when she stepped foot into Bartolomeo's room. Framed in gold and smack dab in the center of the wall for all to see was their wanted posters. It was the main focal point. Nana didn't even know when he had the time to do this but Bartolomeo had even created a smaller frame to display the autographs that he had asked from them when they first came on board the ship. Nana had not signed her name. Instead, she had given Bartolomeo a loose blueprint of a standard cannon.

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