Why are you such an asshat-part 3

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When Gavin had been left alone in the hospital room, he cried. The whole hospital heard him cry. When Hank walked in Gavin actually sobbed into his arms.
"Gavin, Gavin what's wrong? Did he damage one of your organs?" Hank panicked thinking he needed a liver. Did he need a transplant? Did something worse happen? If he need a new organ, he could have on if his. Hank didn't need them. Connor, Cole and RK900 could look after themselves as well as sumo. He had lived a good life until now. As for Gavin, he had to live through this.
"H-He raped me....My ex raped me and beat me..." He sniffled crying harder. He sobbed harder as Hank held him close.
"We are pressing charges. You have no choice anymore. We are gonna press charges against him and you're moving in just in case." Hank warned. Gavin nodded sobbing into his chest.
"What else is wrong?" Hank asks rubbing his back. Slowly Gavin spoke up admitting that his rapist had left a thing behind. A child. And now he couldn't get his top surgery that he had been saving for, for five years until the child was born. He just broke down sobbing more while Hank held him closer.
"Yeah now you're definitely staying with me." Hank warned.
Nine months later.......
Nines rather liked it when Gavin had moved in. He had brought in a lot of notes and interesting books. Along with this he even brought a lot of cool creepy movies which made Colin feel scared watching the films. Yet, he also brought cats. All the cat. All three of his stupid cats.
They hated Colin. Well, two did. Daisy hissed and scratched Colin a lot. She acted like he was made out of poison. As for Lily, she bite Colin every time he touched her. She hissed when he caught him looking at him. Yet, the cat who loved him was Sunny, short for sun flower. He cuddled with all the androids and snuggled with Colin most. Almost as much as he cuddled with Gavin.
Connor was hated a bit less. Lily rarely did anything to hurt Connor. She snuggled with him and melted at him a lot. The tabby cat even nuzzled his legs a lot. Sunny liked to lick Connor all the time for fun. As one could guess though Daisy hated him. She bit his hand only once.
Hank...,actually you know what we're not even go there. None of the cats liked him. None except for Sunny. The other cats treated him the worst.
Sumo and RK900 were loved the most by the cats. Daisy loved nuzzling Sumo while the other two loved napping on Sumo. He was the most loved next to RK900. He got cats sleeping on him and cuddling with him twenty four seven, even though he hated all cats. Or at least that was what he said but, everyone else knew otherwise. Yet, one person was loved the most out of everyone else in the house by both the cats and Sumo.
  Gavin's unborn daughter.
Well born daughter as of two hours ago.
Nines had been there for Gavin from the first moment he found out about her. He helped him lay for therapy with an old cyberlife account given to him once the company began paying for all androids they had hurt. After that he rubbed his feet and back whenever Gavin whined about how much his body hurt. Heck, he even bought him larger binders when his chest started growing. For fake sake he even stayed in the room when Gavin had her.
Speaking of her, the tiny girl had been born after being over due by three days. Gavin he cried for a full thirty minutes while holding her. He cried kissing her head and showering her with attention. RK900, also known as Chole now, had actually shown emotion. He smiled widely and cried holding her tiny hand. Lord she was so prefect.
At least that's what Gavin said when he began bleeding out.
Then he passed out. Chole got pushed out of the room while they took the girl. They took her somewhere. They had taken Gavin's daughter away as Gavin began to die. They had taken his daughter!
He literally chased down a nurse and screamed for his daughter. He began demanding to hold, his child again, refusing to let his eyes leave her alone. For some reason the nurse was sympathetic to him. She handed him the baby girl, after washing his hands of course. Then she got his family.
Now here he was two hours later, sitting in a room filled with other babies, refusing to leave knowing he would hear what happens to Gavin the moments he did. He went over the files in his mind while the baby girl cooed and snuggled close, a tiny smile in her lips. She slowly dozed off as the door opened.
"Chole, let her sleep. Let Bluebell sleep in her with some babies. She'll be fine here." Hank sighs walking over slowly. Chole shook his head no, looking at her peaceful face, rocking in his chair.
"She's all alone Hank. If Gavin dies she'll be left all alone. And then her dad will get her and abuse her too even though he's in jail. I can't let her go or the whole world will swallow her whole." Chole sighed rocking more. Hank sighed sitting down in a chair near him. He rubbed his temp,es before speaking up.
"She's my god daughter...if Gavin dies...she's gonna come live with us no matter what...now go see your man..he's been clinging onto life for you. It's urgent." Hank sighs. Nines looked up and within second, he gave bluebell over. The moment he was shone Hank began crying holding the sleeping girl, kissing her hea,d promising to love her once Gavin was no longer in pain.
"Chole?" Gavin asked weakly looking up. His skin had sunk in. He even had paled like a snowman in a snowstorm. Within seconds of scanning him, Choke knew what was wrong. Gavin was bleeding out and there was only a 10% chance he would live.
"Gavin." Rk900 smiled sadly walking over. He sat near him and held his very tiny hand that didn't have a huge IV in it.
"Did you see her? Wasn't she the most beautiful baby you've ever seen?" Gavin asks smiling. RK900 nodded kissing his free hand. Then he broke down in tears unable to control anything anymore. Gavin sighs.
"Hey no crying plastic Dick. If you cry I'm gonna cry mor than my daughter." Gavin smirked before coughing tiredly.
"W-why are you such an ass hat? And now of all times?" Rk900 sobbed. Gavin wiped away his tear smiling tiredly.
"Chole, life's given me the short stick. My own parents disowned me. My body hates me. My boyfriend had almost killed me so many times. A...and I can't be with the guy I love because society refuses to let us be with an android..." Gavin smiled sadly.
"Don't go! Please! We can still be together! And have a family!" Chole begged. Gavin's ghee kissing his hand.
"Don't let her be like me. Please don't let her be like me. Let her see the good part of life. Don't let our child be an asshat. Let her be happy. That's all I ask." He smiled tearing up. Rk900 nodded before getting kissed on the lips weakly by Gavin.
"Good. That's all I wanted to hear you say...I love you Rk900...so much....and tell Bluebell I love her too...as much as possible..."Gavin smiled.
"Gavin I love you too." Rk900 sniffled. He kissed his hand before hearing a loud beeping noise. He looked up to see Gavin had died smiling, finally happy. Nines sob. Yet, It helped to know that He was happy.
Gavin was finally happy.

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