Family-RK900, Connor, fake Connor

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Connor sat there nervously.
Ever since humans had moved back in Detroit after the revolution, they began living Side by side. Though the new androids that were made days before the revolution had no where to go. They refused to become deviant.
Thus no androids trusted them. Humans didn't trust them because they were the last ones made. They were probably war machines made to kill their peace for all they knew. Yet, Connor met one of those androids. Only one that was just like him.
He met his brother, RK900.
Now he hated him at first. The moment he saw him he knew he was something he never would be in his eyes. Perfect. RK900 was the bets damn thing in Amanda's eyes. Then he saw a moment of weakness during the revolution.
Connor had woken up androids from their sleepy. He began escaping with Hank when they ran into RK900. He had a gun pointed at Connor's skull, his eyes glaring but, soon his face softened as his hand shook. Then his voice shook as he asked about another android that was definitely a Connor model.
"Where is RK850?"
Connor remembered watching as the gun lowered before Hank spat out that his damn parented got shot in the leg. Rk900 looked terrified seeing the door behind him opened as a loud cough could be heard. Then he raced by them dropping the gun before screaming for the other android.
Later Connor found out those Android survived. Both RK900 and RK850, who held a gun to Hanks head. He begged Hank to let both androids to move in with them so he could help them grow. To help them become bonded better. To become brothers.
Okay, so those pleads plus the puppy dog eyes Connor was giving him was enough to talk Hank into letting them move in with them.
The first day they moved in RK 900 and Fake Connor, as Hank called him, stayed alone in their rooms all day shouting at Connor when he tried to talk to them. Yet, he kept persisting. Soon just a day turned to weeks. Weeks to months. Hank grew sick and tired of Connor getting yelled at for trying to get a family. Connor never knew what happened but, Hank made Connor leave the house for a few hours. Then when he came back RK900 was sitting on the couch, looking guilty while fidgeting. As for the fake Connor, he was drinking with Hank.
Rk900 was like a tiny child now. That didn't mean he was innocent. It just meant he was nervous a lot and sacred like a child whom had just been adopted. He loved dogs though like Sumo and could often be found hugging him. Oh, Connor also knew that RK900 loved to read. He read every normal book they had in the house and begged Hank for more of them. Along with this Connor knew that RK900 liked his work partner a lot to. Like a lot a lot. Heck, Connor was pretty sure Gavin liked his brother that much too.
Then there was RK850. He was also like a child. It was something that Hank said the Connor androids all had in common. Yet, unlike his brother's RK850 was more curious about life. He liked watching nature things and studying the affects of alcohol on androids. His favourite animal was a butterflies. So it was no surprise when he came home to find Sumo in a butterfly costume around Halloween. RK850 didn't have a job nor did he want one. He would rather stay home and study then go get a job. Not that Hank was complaining. That way he had both a drinking buddy and someone to watch Sumo. Both other androids on the other had like having their brother around for just about anything but, mainly talking.
Connor loved having a family so much. It was the most he could ask for.
Then it happened.
Hank had gone out with a girl from work to get dinner. All three androids were left home alone with Sumo. No one knew what was gonna happen. Neither of the boys knew that a robber would break into the house. Neither of them knew the robber would have a gun. No one except Connor.
Connor remembered how he hid RK850 in a closet with a sleeping Sumo, begging him to cal the cops. His brother nodded while Connor and RK900 snuck downstairs. They both rushed the male yelling they were part of the police force. Yet, once the male saw the LED on RK900's head, he trie to take a shot. Connor saw him moved. He saw the gun go off. He remembered screaming but, try as he might, he could never remember how he jumped in front of the bullet and pushing RK900 to the floor.
Yet he could remember the hand gun going of six times into his chest. He remembered the pain as he dropped to his knees and began to shut down while RK900 could be heard screaming his heart out. He remembered the robber freezing before he tried to run out the front door, into Hank whom had just gotten home.
He also remembered RK900 laying Connor on his lap and holding him close, crying. Another thing he could remember was that RK900 begged and pleaded with Connor not to die. That he needed him. He needed him to be okay for everyone's safety. The cities safety. He needed his big brother to stick around for a few more years. Then he began saying he wanted to love his brother for just a little bit longer. Connor r,where'd smiling at him before hitting down.
And no here he was sitting down in a bed of sorts with hew body parts wasting for the door to open. He jumped a bit looking up to see both his brother's and Hank standing there breathlessly.
"Hi." Connor smiled weakly. RK850 let out a tiny sob before running over hugging his brother tightly.
RK900 was next. He raced over and hugged him so tightly that Connor was pretty sure he almost damaged more body organs. Yet, he smiled hearing RK900 going on about how stupid that was while RK850 begged him to bring him next time so he could prevent that from happening.
"Cole, Colin, you're hurting your brother." Hank chuckled a bit. Both boys leaned back looking at Hank with large tears leaving their eyes. Hanks sighed before walking over and hugging all three of his son's close.
Yup, Connor loved his family.
It was tiny and very robotic but, it was still good.
"Dear god Connor next Time you do that I am pulling your limps off myself!"
"Connor, please don't do that alone. I missed you so much!"
"Jesus Kid don't scare us like that.
Yup, still good.

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