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"Hank! Hank!" Connor smiled racing over to his partner's desk. Hank sighed looking t the sifted android.
"What Connor?" Hank asked. Connor seemed to happy that he wanted to bounce off of the walls. Hell he wanted to do summersaults off of the walls by the looks of it. The best part though was his child like smile on his face.
"Markus told me there's a beach in the next couple town's over! Can we go?!" Connor asked.
"You're a grown m-...a grown android Connor. Why do you need me to go with you?" Hank asked looking at him. Connor's cheeks turned a bright shade of blue. God, was he really gonna have to say it.
"Well Hank, Markus is going with his fiancé and...well Simon is also going with his boyfriend. Kara is going with Alice and Luther. Heck everyone I met in the revolution is going with their family members." Connor pouted looking down. He wasn't gonna lie. Everyone in the revolution lived a better life now than him.
They all had lives.
Alice and Kara moved to Canada with Luther. Once there Kara and Luther got married. Marks and his girlfriend got more friendly, even considering adopt a child before getting engaged. Simon had met a lovely human who loved Simon as much as Simon loved him. Everyone had a family.
Except for Connor. No one wanted him in their family. The only who took him in was Hank and that was out of pity. He always knew it. No one wanted a family member like him.
He just had a work partner. Nothing else and he never would even get close to having anything else like that.
Hank noticed Connor stopped smiling. Heck Connor looked so sad that he might cry. Hank sighed as he turned his chair around and faced him fully.
"Okay but, we're gonna have to bring Sumo." Hank sighed. Connor smiled brightly before sitting down at his desk and doing his work.
~time skip~
Connor smiled as he raced around the beach, Sumo's leash in his hand. Markus laughed watching them run around. As did Kara before Alice joined Connor. After that she took pictures.
Everyone was having fun. Heck everyone was having the time of their lives. Even Hank.
Then Markus made a single mistake. He decided to have a sandcastle building competition which was just great idea. Well at least in theory.
Instead it was pure hell.
Markus made large castles but, each time the castle got almost done, Sumo would run over and smash into the castle. It was very annoying to Markus at the time. Soon his fiancé, North began trying to make a wall for protection out of drift wood.
As for Alice, she cheated. She used Luther to help her. Then when someone would look away their sandcastle would be kicked in by Luther who wanted his child to win more than anything so he could see her smile. Yet, soon Kara joined has joined and made Luther sit with them non stop.
Then there was Simon. Simon tried. He really did. It was just his sandcastle would always cave in when it was half way done. It was so bad looking. He needed fell victim to sabotage to it though.
Connor on the other hand was really getting into it. He made a huge five room castle eight times which always got kicked in by Luther. So he began making a giant Jericho ship instead. Then he used Sumo to sleep wrecking the artist's castle so he didn't lose to the revolution god again! He already lost that stupid art competition at work last month to him! And there was no way he was gonna let it happen again!
Hank and Simon's boyfriend on the other hand were cooking food for the other humans invited to this event. Hank was actually getting along with the young gay male a lot better than what Markus did seeing as he was awkward around his android brother's fiancé. Heck Hank was even getting along with Carl's other living family members.
It was the best beach party ever.
Until a human showed up with a gun.
"Androids are our slaves!" Was the only thing the male yelled before shooting at Markus. Markus gasped closing his eyes, bracing himself for a hit while everyone else ducked and covered. Yet, he didn't bleed. He couldn't feel his body hurt. Yet, he could feel blue blood on him.
Then slowly his eyes.
And there Connor stood two bullet wounds in his chest, standing in front of Markus whom he had thrown to the ground. Connor coughed spitting up blood before dropping to his knees hissing in pain.
"Connor!" Hank screamed as he hand cuffed the shooter to a tree. Connor fell forward into Markus's arms. Kara yelled before picking up Alice and they began trying to contact anyone with extra orbit parts.
Markus rolled Connor onto his back. Connor began coughing loudly as he looked up at them. Hank dropped down next to Connor as he began putting pressure on the wound. Connor began coughing up more blood.
"I-is everyone okay?" Connor asked. Markus nodded.
"Yeah, yeah Connor everyone is fine. Just give us a second to find you some parts to fix you." Markus said looking at him. Connor coughed up more blood looking at him.
"You have a lovely family." Connor smirked. Markus nodded looking guiltily for even throwing this in the first place.
"Thanks Connor I-"
"Markus! We found some parts for him!" North yelled form a few feet away.
"I'll be right back." Markus promised before racing off leaving Hank and Connor alone.
"Hank, thank you for letting me stay with you." Connor smiled weakly at him.
"Jesus Connor don't talk like that. You're fine. You're gonna be fine I promise." Hank said holding his hand.
"I-I think of you as a dad." Connor admitted not wanting to let one which parts of him had been damaged by the bullet.
"Jesus Connor...stop. Stop you're not gonna die." Hank snapped at him. Connor laughed a bit.
"I still love your attitude dad. Don't change it." Connor smiled before he went still in his arms. Hank froze.
"God damn it son." Hank sighed looking down at him wondering why his son was so dramatic. Sumo came over and whimpered before picking his face.
Yet, no one knew that the only working RK800 body had just been damaged beyond repair. Which meant Connor was gone forever.
At least they didn't know for four minutes before North noticed the bullet wound in his skull and in one of the Vidal mechanical parts.

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