ConnorxLGBTQ+ Reader

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Y/N-your name
L/N-Last name
S/g- sexuality and/or gender identity.
You were alway different growing up. No that didn't mean you were anything special. It didn't make you the chosen one or some movie garbage like that.
It was just the other kids in school that you knew were confident about themselves. The moment they went through puberty they would be talking about how sexy their bodies were, or/and what they were attracted to. As for you, you had always felt trapped.
It was like you were locked in a cell. A cell that kept you in the dark. A cell you can try to escape but, fail each time. You could scream and cry and try to claw your way out but, it never worked. Why? The reason you felt trapped as the way you were was due to the fact of how you felt. You felt like you never belonged with these people. People who judged others who felt different from the mass crowd. People were born liking just the one gender and liking the opposite sex. They were just so different.
Then in sixth grade, you got a little thing called Tumblr. You began research things about how you felt. Just to see if others out there were like you. Then you found it. You found a S/g definition that represented how you felt about yourself. It made you so happy to feel like you belonged to something! Yet, you knew not to come out yet. You wanted to stay the normal person you had always been for a little while longer.
Then one day in your senior year in high school you're debate class was talking about LGBTQ+rights. Five minutes in you were scared of what you had heard. There were so many insulting words and disgusting looks when talking about it. You could still hear the insults today if you closed your eyes.
"They're just fags."
"Just chose if you like men or women. It's not that hard! If not you get an STD and die!"
"Them? They? It? Why do they need so many pronouns? Can't they just stop being so over dramatic and go by he or her?"
"If god made you as a woman then, stay a woman."
"Why would you lay with someone of the same sex if the bible clearly says you'll go to hell? Do you wanna burn that bad?"
From that point on you avoid conversations on the community. You locked yourself n the closet for as long as you could. You lasted longer than what you expected! In fact you stayed in the closet until you graduated from college.
The year after that you went home for Christmas making a post on Tumblr when your nephew grabbed your phone. He giggled and ran with it around the house. You chased after him but, he gave the phone to your mother. She read your confession about you being S/g and throw your phone across the room, breaking it. Then she threw you out of the house before throwing your clothes out the window yelling insults at you as she did so.
It was something that made you wanna cry when thinking about it today. After that day your mother told everyone. You often came home to the word fag spray painted to your door. Someone people even threw stuff at you when you walked down the street. It was awful. So awful that you decided to move to a larger excepting city. A city called, Detroit.
You had been living there as an open person and were sort of excepted. Those who expect you though kept you from getting the shit beat out of you. The best part was that they excepted you for being G/s. You loved the the most.
You had gotten a job at the police station. It was amazing that you were doing exactly what you wanted to from when you were younger. You were helping people. As for the people you worked with, they were all assholes.
They all treated you at first like you were diseased. Except for Hank. He seemed to somehow understand and was the only one to treat you like a person at first. Then over more time, more people on the force excepted you. Things were great, then they sent him to work.
Just by glancing in your direction you knew you were attracted to him. His eyes made your heart speed up. His voice sent shivers up your spine and his body form was amazing. It was the Prince Charming you always washed for. Yet, there was one thing you forgot to mention. He was an android.
Or as he liked to say the Android sent by cyberlife.
Yet, everyone else knew him as Connor.
During his first day at work he scanned you while researching your history like most androids you had seen or worked with had. You expect to be judged. Instead you got acceptance. He looked at you and you can still hear what he said in your kind when you closed you eyes today.
"Let me say office L/N, you have such pride for being S/g that I can't wait to see how much pride you have in your work."
You could remember the looks he gave you currently as you think about this. It was always a look of longing. It made you wish he liked you enough to ask out. Yet, he was an android. And yet he had been telling everyone that androids don't have feelings unless they were deviants, so it was a dumb idea.
Then it happened.
Connor became a deviant. And he joined a rebellion. He just left which hurt but, you knew it needed to be done in order for him to find himself just like you had years ago.
Hank had gone to cyber life tower for some reason that you just knew had to do with Conner. So you waited outside CyberLife tower praying to god that Connor lived. The first person to leave the tower was a smiling Hank. He froze though seeing you.
"Hank! Hank where's Connor?" You panic running over and holding him by the shoulders.
"Y/N what are you doing here?" He asks panicked.
"Don't play dumb. I know Connor's in there and I've been tracking you through your car!" You snap.
"That's a little creepy." Hank mumbled.
"How do I know when your dying of alcohol poisoning at a bar without I-No wait! Stop trying to change the subject. Where the hell is Connor?" You asked panicked.
Hank sighed before hearing the doors open and happily move out of the way. Then you saw Connor. He was a little beat up but, it was still him. Tory let out a yelp of joy before running over and hugging him.
Connor smiles hugging you back.
"Where the hell have you been?" You snap leaning back glaring at him.
"With Markus." He smiled.
"Wow..You went straight to the big top with the rebellion I see." You smirked.
"Well you know me Y/N, I am an overachiever." He smirks back making you smile again. Then it hits you again. He left.
"W-why did you leave? Were you not happy with us?......With me?" You mumble. Connor reaches down and cups your face making up look at him.
"I left to embarrass who I was. You know that better than anyone. And you should also know what I found out about my self."
"Oh really? And what did you find out?"
"That I like dogs a lot. That it's easy to make friends with everyone. We all deserve equal rights. Now ask me what I realized."
"What did you realize?"
"That I love you." He smirked before kissing you. At first your eyes widened as you blushed. You heart speed up. Then out wrapped your arms around Corner's metal hips and kissed back. It had been three minutes of nothing before pure kissing before Hank coughed. You both looked at him.
"I'm happy for you guys but, wait until you two get home and the rebellion succeeds before getting married." Hank smiled making you blushed. Connor just smiled widely like his dad had given him a pat on the back.
"Don't worry lieutenant. We will." Connor smiled.
Just like that you were excited for what ever came next.

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