Chapter 5 - Jealousy

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Everything was black, but I could hear things, they were muffled, but I could hear. I didn't know exactly what it was I was hearing but I heard slams, motors, talking, but it sort of sounded like I was underwater and it was all muffled. I felt as if I was being moved, carefully and slowly. 

After a while the moving stopped and I felt as if I was set down on something soft. I felt tired, and drained, but I wanted to know where I was. Gradually I was able to pry my eyes open. The room I was in was dimly lit, and had pictures, drawings and train tickets pinned up on the walls. I was lying on a single bed. There was a door just opposite the bed. I pushed myself into a sitting position and crossed my legs, looking around the room. There was a desk with a computer on it. There were pieces of paper scattered across the desk and there were shelves above the desk with random objects on it. The room was average sized and looked homely. It was defiantley a boys room, but I had no idea what boy it belonged too. My Mustache Backpack was on the floor next to the bed. I didn't really know what to do. Did I get up and go and see where I was or did I wait here for the person who brought me here to come back.

I sat pondering what to do until the door to the bedroom I was in was pushed open to reveal Pj holding two mugs, one with a mustache on the other shaped just like a camera lens. He smiled as soon as his eyes fell on me, but he didn't say anything, he just walked over to the bed and sat down next to me, then handed me the mustache mug.

"Are you okay?" Pj asked, crossing his legs and turning to face me. Was I okay? I remembered vaguely falling towards the train tracks and being pulled back, but not much else, but I knew my throat felt horrible. Then I remembered screaming, after many years I'd actually used my voice. I set the mug down on his nightstand before pulling my notebook out of my bag along with a pen and scribbled down a reply.

Well, my throat hurts like hell, but other than that I think I'm fine.

I wrote then showed Pj. He put up his index finger suddenly then ran out of the room, returning a few seconds later with throat lozenges. He sat next to me and handed me one, which I took thankfully. 

"I should probably get you back to yours." Pj said. I nodded, then picked up the mug of tea and took a sip. I don't know how he'd known how I like my tea, but it was perfect. I grabbed my notepad and scribbled down a note quickly.

How'd you know how I like my tea?! It's perfect! You make great tea! 

I wrote then showed Pj, who smiled and chuckled.

"I didn't know you like your tea that way, that's how I like mine, and thanks." He replied, then sipped his tea. I hated not being able to speak to him. I hated the fact I had to write out what I wanted to say, and it was a pain when I wanted to by stuff, and I could never make phone calls, it was a pain!

Once Pj and I had both finished our tea I got up to leave and tried to protest as Pj insisted he come with me.

You don't have to come with me, I'll be fine.

I wrote then showed Pj. He shook his head slowly and smiled at the ground. 

"It's nine o' clock. I'm not letting you go home on your own, too dangerous!" Pj said, then grabbed a jacket off the coat hooks by the front door and pulled it on. I didn't have time to argue because as soon as he had his jacket on the door was open and he was walking out the door. I sighed and walked past him out of the front door, then waited for him to lock the door. 

I was a bit shaky on the train platform but it was a lot less crowded than earlier. As we sat on the tube I noticed how tired I was and ended up almost falling to sleep on the tube, but I kept awake. I showed Pj a few more of my drawings and he really liked the one I did of the bearded man today. 

When we got off the train it was half nine and I was sure Scarlett would be wondering where I was, and if she saw me with Pj, I just knew she'd be jealous. 

We got to the flat at nine fourty-five. I didn't know whether to invite Pj in to be polite, or if Scarlett would just get more annoyed at me for being around him. 

"Before you go, can I have your number?" Pj asked as I stepped though the doorway. I smiled and nodded. No matter how worried I was of Scarlett seeing him, that small smile that he wore just made my stomach go warm and do flips, it just made me want to smile all the time. Pj handed me his phone and I programmed in my number. Just as Pj was about to leave I heard footsteps behind me in the hallway. Before I could close the door Scarlett was at my side, her eyes fixed on Pj and a fake smile plastered on her face.

"I wondered where you got to Emy. Hi, I'm Scarlett." Scarlett said, smiling a flirty smile at Pj. To my surprise Pj frowned, then quickly shook himself and smiled back, but it looked slightly fake. 

"Pj Liguori." Pj replied. Scarlett's smile widened and she batted her eyelashes at him as she leant against the doorframe. I don't know what it was, but my throat was feeling tight and I was unknowingly frowning. My stomach felt tight and my hands were clenched into tight fists as I looked between Scarlett and Pj. "Sorry, but I really should be going. I have, um, stuff to be getting done." Pj continued, then before Scarlett could reply Pj was gone. Scarlett frowned and nudged me further into the hall then closed the door. She turned to me, rolled her eyes and made a strange noise at the back of her throat then walked off to the living room. 

She's annoyed at me...again... I thought to myself before walking into my room and going to set my backpack in it's usual place at the end of my bed, before I noticed that I didn't have my backpack...

I'd left it at Pj's...

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