Chapter 11 - Sorting It All Out

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"Move in with me."

I didn't know what to do. It seemed like such a huge offer, a big thing. What if he didn't really want me to and was only being polite.

"I want you to." PJ said, as if he'd read my mind. It was a great offer, one I would happily except, if I wasn't myself.

PJ, I couldn't - I can't just move in with you.

"Why not?" He asked, his voice quiet. His thumb rubbed circles into my arm as he stared into my eyes.

"Please."He whispered. I made a split decision then, even if I had already, subconciously made up my mind. I nodded, biting my bottom lip, hoping I wouldn't regret it. Immediatley he beamed and pulled me closer to him, resting his head atop mine. 


I stripped the sheets from my bed, throwing my pillows into a box and folding my duvet cover in over them. I straightened up and smiled, looking around my room. The bareness of it didn't make me sad anymore, it made me smile. I was about to start again. Start a new life with an actual friend, someone who liked me for me. I hadn't told Scarlett that I'd found somewhere to move in, she didn't ask, she just assumed I would find a motel or something for a few days until a small affordable flat opened up. PJ had promised to be waiting outisde with Jamie and Jamie's large car to drive all my stuff to his house at 10, and it was quarter to now. 

I dragged the last box into the hall and decided to grab a drink from the kitchen before I left. Scarlett was sat on the counter eating a red apple and drinking what looked like pink slush in a tall glass. 

"So, you found a motel to stay at then?" She asked, a smug smile on her lips. I smiled as I looked down at the floor. I glanced over at her as I opened the fridge and pulled out the milk. I shook my head and grabbed a glass from the cabinet.

"So you're just going to live on the street? Is there even any point in taking your stuff, it'll just get stolen anyway." She said, taking a gulp of her pink drink, setting the glass down and revealing her pink moustache which she licked off. I shook my head once again and poured a glass of milk, returning the milk to the fridge. 

"Where are you going then? You can't have found a flat by now." She sounded surprised and slightly annoyed, like she'd hoped I would have worse luck. I drained my glass and set it in the sink as there was a knock at the front door. I smiled and walked out into the hallway, heading to the front door, stepping oevr the squeaky floorboard and sidling round all my boxes. Scarlett followed obviously curious. I heard her angry exclamation as I opened the door to reveal PJ standing outside.

"You ready to go?" He asked, glancing over my shoulder and smirking as he saw Scarlett, obviously in complete shock. She obviously wasn't planning on this happening.

"Hold on! You're moving in with him?!" She screached, walking up behind me and glaring at us both. PJ nodded and smiled widely, glancing down at me with a smirk. Scarlett stuttered for a few seconds, then clenched her teeth and growled, turning on her heel nad storming back into the flat. PJ laughed and shook his head.

"Anyway, should we get going? Jamie's just outside." He glanced over my shoulder at the boxes piled behind me. I nodded and grabbed my backpack which was waiting beside the boxes and slung it onto my back, then grabbed a box and turned back to PJ. I tried to set it down outside but PJ grabbed my hands and took the heavy box from me before I could. 

"I'll take them down, you just set them outside the door, okay." I tried to protest, but he wouldn't listen. I couldn't help but smile as I watched him walk away. The thought of moving in with PJ brought a huge smile to my face. I'd been practising my speech as well over the past three days and I could now say 'Emily', 'PJ' and 'tea', which I found amusing. 


The spare room in PJ's house was of average size, not too big, not too small, but just right. Three of the walls were white but one wall was painted to look like a galaxy, stars scattered here and there, purple and pinks and blues all over; It was beautiful. The bed was a double, a thich duvet folded at the end and four pillows already on the bed. There was a wardrobe in one corner of the room, a dresser opposite it in the other corner. A shelf ran around the whole room just above my head. I set about unpacking, only being interrupted by PJ bringing me tea and sitting in the middle of my new bed, watching me unpack all my stuff. 

There were two bathrooms in the house, one downstairs and one upstairs. The one downstairs was smaller and only had a toilet and sink, the one upstairs had a large bath and shower in one and a sink and toilet. Before I'd always had my own bathroom, it may have been tiny but I'd never had to share before, not that I minded exactly, it was just the lack of a lock on the door that worried me. 


PJ had invited Chris, Dan, Phil and Jamie over for a small party-like thing to 'celebrate me moving in'. The 'party' consisted of everyone sitting in the living room watching Breaking Bad and eating popcorn and sweets that the boys had brought with them. They decided to leave around 10, leaving PJ and I alone in the house. I was still trying to get used to it. 

PJ had gone to change into his pyjamas, so I decided, since PJ always made the tea, I should make it this time. It took a while to find everything but they were both ready, steaming and sweet, when he came into the kitchen. His hair was slightly messy and he was wearing grey cotton jersey trousers and a loose cotton top, the sleeve slightly too long. His feet were bare and his cheeks slightly pink. I beamed at him as I held up the mugs of tea. It felt like a great achievement, making him tea after he'd made it so many times before. He smiled and took his mug from me, taking a hesitant sip then his eyes widened slightly and he beamed.

"Even better than how I make it. You must make the tea from now on, since you make it so good."He said and without warning, took my hand and led me out of the living room and upstairs to his bedroom. He let go of my hand as he entered the room, leaving it cold and empty. He sat cross legged on his bed and patted the bed in front of him. I loved PJ's room, especially after it got dark outside because he never put the over head light on. He only ever had the light coming from his computer and the fairy lights he had taped around the walls. He had cuddly toys scattered all over the room, reminding me of how PJ was still a child at heart. 

I walked over to his bed and sat down opposite him, crossing my legs and sipping my tea. 

"I'm glad you're here." PJ said, laying his free hand on mine. I mouthed 'Me too' since both my hands were occupied and I wasn't really up to speaking yet. I felt happy, really, truly happy, for one fo the first times since my parents had died. This was the happiest I had felt for a while, happier, even, than when I'd first started hanging out with PJ. I felt like everything in my life was slowly turning right, like everything was going the way I wanted it to.

I was happy, finally.

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