Chapter 7 - London Zoo

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I was glad to have my backpack back; I had all my stuff back now. I'd enjoyed spending time with Chris and PJ. I genuinely hated not being able to speak. I wanted to, but it felt like I'd forgotten how to over all my years of silence. The first year of not talking had been hard, hard to keep my silence. I didn't want to talk, I felt traumatized, but now after all these years I wanted to speak again. I couldn't even remember what my voice sounded like.

"Where were you all day?" Scarlett's voice sounded from in the kitchen. She walked out holding a mug filled with hot chocolate and marshmallows.

I went out drawing. I replied, not wanting her to know I'd been out with PJ; it just felt like I shouldn't tell her.

"Okay, well I'm going on a date with Tony tomorrow, so I won't be here." She said, walking into the living room and closing the door with her foot, leaving me in the dark hallway. I sighed and walked over to my bedroom and went inside, closing the door behind me. I threw myself down on my bed, dropping my backpack at the foot of my bed. I wanted to talk, badly, but couldn't bring myself to do it.

* * * * *

Two days later, after staying inside for a whole day then spending a day walking around aimlessly and occasionally drawing things I saw I decided I was wasting time and I needed to so something creative, and fun.

I sat cross legged on my bed watching YouTube videos and scrolling through Tumblr when my phone buzzed on my bedside table. I picked it up and opened the new message.

From: PJ

Hi Emily, I was planning on going to London Zoo today, I wondered if you wanted to join me maybe?

PJ xx

I smiled to myself and leant back against the pillows on my bed.

To: PJ

I'd love to :)

Emily xx

I was still intrigued by the two 'x's he put at the end of his texts, and I wondered if he did that with everyone he texted. I closed Tumblr, knowing I'd have to get dressed to go out and Tumblr was a distraction. My phone buzzed.

From: PJ

I'll pick you up in an hour? Is that okay?

PJ xx

I replied telling him that was fine, then jumped up off my bed and began to sort out my outfit. I picked out a white and blue tie dyed summer dress and brown brogue pumps and long white knotted socks. I grabbed a white long knitted cardigan and pulled it on then ran my fingers through my curls slowly to make sure it wasn't knotty. I then found a baby blue alice band with a flower on it an placed it in the midst of my curls.

I stared into the mirror above my en suite bathroom sink and frowned. I'd done my makeup and was now wondering if I could somehow produce some sort of noise from my voice box; if it was still there.

I opened my mouth and strained, trying to push some sort of noise out but all I could manage was a raspy whistley noise. I had 15 minutes left before PJ was supposed to get here, so I thought I'd put it to good use. I could feel the muscles in my throat tensing and untensing as I tried to push out a noise. I could gradually feel a loosening in my throat, but along with that came a grating feeling. It started to hurt just as the whistling noise turned into the lightest of croaking noises. I decided to stop there before I did more damage than good.

I pulled on my backpack and shoved my phone in my pocket just as there came a knock at the front door. Scarlett was still asleep since she had no plans and she usually slept till midday if she was left alone. I walked out to the hallway and pulled open the front door slowly. A smile grew on my face as my eyes fell on PJ. He was dressed in a Zelda inspired green t-shirt with black skinnies and a black cardigan. On his back was his jet pack backpack that was almost as famous as him. I waved as a greeting and stepped out into the long corridor outside the flat. PJ beamed down at me, and after a moments hesitation he pulled me into a tight hug.

Once I'd been released from PJ's hug I smiled and turned to close the flat door before I turned to face PJ, ready to set off. To my surprise PJ began to hesitantly sign something.

Shall we go then?

The look of surprise on my face obviously caught his attention because he smiled and chuckled lightly. 

"I started trying to teach myself sign language so I could impress you and you can speak to me far easier." PJ said, smiling shyly. 

You're good at it for a beginner, I signed, but as I had expected a look of confusion crossed his face. His eyebrows furrowed and he bit his bottom lip. I could almost see the cogs in his brain working to try and figure out what I'd signed. 

"Sorry, I'm not very good at it." He apologised, rubbing the back of his neck and blushing. I smiled and shook my head, dismissing his apology before beckoning with my head towards the stairs.


I jumped as a huge shark swam past the huge floor-to-ceiling window that looked into the depths of the shark pool. PJ laughed then tried to stifle it by biting his lip, but it only made his face go bright red. I glared playfully up at him then turned back to the reinforced glass window. I leant forward pressing my hands flat against the glass and leaning my forehead against it. Movement in the corner of my eye caught my attention and I turned my head slightly to see PJ imitate my actions, watching the sharks swim. From the angle I was at I could clearly see how long and thick his eyelashes were and the way his eyes sparkled in the light. He was really very pretty. 

I watched the people passing us intently, studying their faces and expressions and clothes, listening to their voices, high, low, gravelly, soft. PJ's arm burhsed against mine as we walked side by side. I lifted my ice cream that I'd bought at a little shop and took a small lick of the chocolatey-minty deliciousness. 

"What would you like to do now?" PJ asked, turning his head to look down at me. I shrugged, pulling my phone out of my back pocket and opening my notes; I decided it was easier than carrying around a notepad and pen.

'I don't really mind, you have anything in mind?' 

"Well usually Chris, Dan, Phil and I have movie nights on Thursdays when we're all free and we decided we'd watch the Paranormal Activity films tonight. Would you like to join us? I'm sure the others wouldn't mind." He said, finishing his ice cream and starting on the cone. 

'Are you sure? I wouldn't want to intrude.'

"You wouldn't be intruding! They like you so I don't see why they'd say no." The expression on his face said he wouldn't be relenting easily, so deciding to just say yes for once, I typed my reply.

'Alright then :)' PJ beamed and finished his ice cream, speeding up slightly and heading in the direction of the nearest train station. 


PJ's kitchen was small and felt extremely homey. The lighting wasn't great and the dishes needed cleaning, but it felt like a loved and well used area. I leant against the counter as PJ made tea. Dan, Phil and Chris would be arriving in half an hour and PJ wanted to get snacks and drinks set up in the living room so he wouldn't have to be getting them after the movie started. 

"Salty or sweet popcorn?" PJ asked, holding up to microwaveable packets of popcorn. I pointed to the salty and PJ smiled. "Finally someone who prefers salty. Almost everyone I know prefers sweet popcorn." He then put the packet in the microwave, getting out three bowls and another packet of sweet popcorn from various cupboards. "Chris always has his own and Dan and Phil share. I usually have a whole bowl od salty popcorn to myself, but we can share." He smiled, straightening up and kicking the cupbaord closed gently then handing my a steaming mug of tea in the same mustache mug as he'd given me the first time I'd been here.

Ding dong! PJ's doorbell sounded from the hallway making us both turn out heads. We were sat on one of his sofas in his living room, having just set up the DVD player. PJ jumped up muttering 'I'll get it' and scurried out of the room. He returned a minute later followed by Dan, Phil and Chris who looked surprised but pleased to see me. They exchanged strange glances before sitting down, Chris in the armchair in the corner and Dan and Phil on the sofa facing the TV. I was sat on the sofa facing the window at the front of the house. 

"Hey Emily." Dan greeted, making himself comfortable on the sofa. Phil smiled and waved and Chris waggled his fingers and smiled creepily, causing Dan to whack his shoulder and send his a secretive look. PJ handed Phil a large bowl of popcorn, then one to Chris then sat down next to me holding the last bowl. He then grabbed the remote control from the coffee table, pointed it at the TV and pressed play.

Seen But Never Heard - A PJ Liguori Love Story [Completed]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें