Chapter 4 - I Hate London Tube Station Platforms

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I left SitC that day in high spirits. It had been an amazing day, and I had loved every minute of it. I knew in my heart that I would likely never see any of them ever again. I hadn't gotten any of their numbers, or contact details, but I knew that even if I had, I would never have had enough courage to text any of them. It had been fun, but it was over now and I had had a wonderful time talking to PJ about drawing and animations. 

I woke up to the sound of Scarlett's aweful singing, or should I say screaching, coming from the kitchen. Scarlett had always enjoyed singing, but had never gotten any better at it, and that was extremely unfortunate since she sung ALL the time around the flat and I could never get her to stop. If I asked her to stop, she'd just sing louder in my face, to annoy me, but I just ignored her and retreated to my room where her singing was more muffled. I felt sorry for the neighbours, having to hear her and not being able to do anything much about it. 

I climbed out of bed and decided that I would go into London today, for no reason other than I wanted to get away from Scarlett and maybe go to Hamleys and look at all the Harry Potter merchandise which I found so nerdy but so interestring as well. I loved to just walk about Hamleys, even if I didn't buy anything, just for the fact it sold really interesting stuff, and I was still a child at heart. 

I had a short shower then got dressed, not bothering too much since I wasn't going to see anyone who knew who I was, no one would care what I wore. I put on my normal denim skinny jeans and grey 'Don't go with the flow' top. I pulled on my mustache low-top converse and american flag foodie, then put my hair into a messy bun and put on my 'Jedi' jelly bracelet. I didn't bother putting on any makeup, not like I ever bothered, I don't think it suited me, I didn't like wearing it, it felt like I was covering up myself. I grabbed my mustache backpack then walked out of my room and Scarlett's wailing got louder. I grimaced then walked over to the kitchen to find Scarlett in her pink fluffy dressing gown, prancing around the kitchen while making cereal and tea. 

Scarlett, I'm going out. I'll be home later this afternoon okay? I knocked on the doorframe then signed as I stood in the doorway. Scarlett looked at me, a frown on her face.

"Yeah, sure, whatever." She said, waving her hand dismissively at me. I frowned slightly before turning and walking down the hall to the front door. Scarlett was still annoyed at me, I could tell. I knew she had always had a soft spot for PJ and that she really wanted to meet him at SitC, but I hadn't remembered that fact when I was hanging around with PJ and the others. I could understand why she was annoyed, but she did know that she probably would never see him again, didn't she? Somtimes I think she thought that if she met him he'd immediatley fall in love with her and they'd live happily ever after. I knew better than to have a crush on someone you would never meet and if you did, they would most likely just talk to you for a while before going on with their life and they'd forget about you. I was surprised Dan had remembered me, but I would expect that PJ and Chris and Lottie had forgotten me by now.

I got breakfast at Starbucks before getting a train into London and walking straight to Hamleys. I went straight to the top floor to look at the Harry Potter merchandise. I loved the wands and had always wanted one, but I knew it would just clutter up my room and I would never pick it up again probably. I didn't need it. I walked around for hours, losing myself in all the toys and other things they had in there. I admit it I had spent quite a while in the sweet section before buying quite a few sweets and things. I liked sour sweets, always had and I knew I always would. I got to the bottom floor, the floor underground after three hours in the shop. It was the lego section and there wasn't much to interest me down here, and by now it was 3:00pm. I decided to get something for lunch before going home and finding something to occupy myself with. I never really had much to do in the holidays since Scarlett was my only friend. I went to London Art College in term time, and right now I had three more weeks of holiday before I went back to college for my last year. When I wasn't at College I worked at the Apple store to earn money for the flat and food. 

I walked out of Hamleys. I hadn't bought anything in the three hours I was there. I walked over to the nearest Costa and walked inside. I ordered a hot chocolate and bought a bacon and lettuce sandwich then sat by the window and looked out at all the people walking along the streets of London. I liked to imagine that everyone who walked past me slowly turned to cartoons, and I liked to imagine what they would look like as cartoons. I saw a man who was very large and looked like he would make an amazing cartoon character. I pulled my drawing pad out of my bag and doodled down the man from memory, making his eyes bigger and exentuating his fluffy beard. I finished doddling him and shoved my pad back in my bag then finished my hot chocolate and threw away the uneaten half of my sandwhich. I never ate much, I just didn't ever have an appetite. Scarlett never bough junk food because she was permanantley on a diet, and I never bought any food to take back to the house since Scarlett bought her own food and I usually ate out when I went out on my 'adventures' as I liked to call them or I didn't eat. I walked out of Costa and headed back towards the station but got slightly destracted when I purposefully took the root that took me by Harrods, even though it was slightly longer. 

I decided to go into Harrods just for a while and look at all the nice dolls they had in there. In the end I ended up spending more than a little time in Harrods, walking around the place and looking at all the expensive clothes and dolls. I went into their ice cream section and walked around a bit, watching the people who were enjoying their amazing ice cream sundaes. I decided to treat myself just this once and got a banana ice cream sundae and sat at the bar around the workers and ate the sundae quickly, sketching a few people as I did. By the time I'd finished my sundae it was 7:45pm and it was getting dark outside. I decided it was time to go home and left Harrods, zipping up my hoodie and the cold wind whipped around my face, making me shiver.

I walked into the warm station and onto the crowded platform. It looked like someone was having a party that was midway through as a rowdy group of people stummbled around, obviously drunk. They were shouting and pushing each other, precariously close to the edge. I tried to get to a place near the wall but it was far to crowded to get anywhere further away from the edge than the yellow line. I always hated getting the tube later than 5 because there were always people around, pushing and shoving. 

I waited for a few minutes, flinching ever time a rowdy bunch of people came near me. I was just minding my own business when I felt someone hurl into my shouler, sending me overbalancing forwards. I squealed as I felt gravity pulling me down towards the black, sooty train tracks. The only thing that was going through my mind was 'I'm going to die.' I could hear my blood curdling scream echoing around me as I seemed to fall in slow motion, but then I felt someone's hand enclose around my left upper arm, then I felt their other arm snake around my chest, pulling me backwards onto my feet, and just in time too, because no sooner had my feet hit the solid ground again than a speeeding train whipped past me along the platform. My eyes were wide and I realised that everyone on the platform, except some of the party-ers, where silent. My breathing was heavy and my gaze was stuck on the spot in front of me. 

Then I felt my knees give way, sending me back towards the floor, but again I was caught, presumably by whoever had saved me last time. I felt light-headed, in pure shock. My brain wasn't functioning, until I realised that I had screamed, for the first time in many, many years, I had made a noise. I hadn't even laughed since I stopped talking, and now I had just screamed, loudly. My throat hurt, like someone had shoved sandpaper down my throat and rubbed it raw. I slowly turned my head, seeing someone I had thought I would never see again. PJ Liguori. His hair was wild, laying in messy curls. His bright green eyes sparkling. His expression was a mix of worry, and relief, a strange mixture. He was wearing his green and white top and denim jeans, and had his jetpack backpack on his back. I remembered the small smile that crept onto his lips, just as I blacked out...

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