Chapter 2 - Second Day of SitC, Still Bored...

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I woke up to feel warm sunlight hit my face, waking me fully from my deep dreamless sleep. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, then glanced over at the digital clock that stood on my bedside table. 9:45am. I climbed out of bed and walked into my en suite bathroom and started my morning routine. 

I picked out an oufit and started getting dressed. I put on my 'Must Have Mustache' white top with my bright blue shorts and blue low-top converse. I left my hair down and wore my hippie flower headband thing. I wore my 'I love Panda's' rubber wristand and blue rose earrings and some random bracelets. I grabbed my mustchae bag and checked to see if Scarlett was home. She wasn't but her bed had been slept in, so she must have gone out earlier. I left the apartment and locked the door before making a stop at Starbuck and grabbing a hot chocolate. I then got the train to Old Street station, like yesterday and walked to the venue which was on Chiswell Street. I walked through the door into the venue and decided to look for Scarlett, so I wasn't alone the whole time again. 

I finally found her and she was talking to none other than Dan Howell himself. I walked over to Scarlett and stopped next to her. She noticed me and gave me a quick wave before going on with her conversation. At a break in the talk Scarlett turned to me and beckoned me to her side. 

"Hey Emy, sorry I left early this morning but I didn't want to wake you. This is Dan, you know him right?" She said, gesturing to Dan. I nodded and sent him a shy wave. He smiled kindly at me.

"Emy doesn't talk, do you Emy, little mute one!" Scarlett teased. I bit my lip as I turned a light shade of pink. I didn't really like her to bring it up, and she always brought it up very lightly, like it was nothing, but I suppose it is nothing.

'Hi.' I signed. Odds were that Dan wouldn't know any sign language, but I still tried. He smiled and to my surprise signed back to me.

'Hi, so you're Emy?' He signed. Scarlett looked shocked, but then looked quite pleased. I suppose she was glad she didn't have to translate my sign language into words for Dan to understand. 

'Emily, but Scarlett calls me Emy. Emily LaMarca, and you're Dan Howell.' I signed, smiling widely. I couldn't believe that Dan was able to sign and I could actually have a converstaion with someone other than Scarlett. 

'That's a really nice name.' He signed. He knew he didn't have to sign to me, but I think he just liked doing it. 

'You like using sign language, don't you?' I asked with a bright smile. He chuckled and nodded.

'My cousin is deaf, so I learnt sign language to talk to her.' He signed.

Dan and I went on signing to each other for ages. Scarlett looked a bit miffed after a while and went off on her own. I think she was annoyed that I had just come in and started signing with Dan when she was originally talking to him. I knew she got jealous easily. 

After a while a few girls came over to Dan to ask for his autograph. He signed 'Sorry' before turning to the girls and began to sign their stuff. I decided to just leave him to it and go and do some drawing, since I hadn't done any today and I felt in need of some private doodling time. I liked to make a world of creatures and characters in my specials book so that I could easily escape the noisy human world and jump into a land full of things I'd created, whether they were good creatures and characters, or bad ones that I had to fight, I didn't mind, as long as I was in my own world. 

It was getting late by the time I pulled myself out of my imaginary land. I decided to text Scarlett that I was going home, so I texted her then left the venue and went out into the cool evening breeze. I was starting to think these YouTube gathering things weren't as good as they cracked up to be. I was hoping tomorrow would be better though, since it was outside and not in a stuffy hall thing and there may be a few more people to meet there. I had enjoyed talking to Dan, but I doubted there would be anyone else who knew how to sign. 

I got home and immediatley changed into my pj's and got into bed, falling asleep straight away...

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