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Sundays have to be the most boring day ever. I woke up to the sun blazing again. The birds were singing. The lot was going on out there. I looked at the time to see it was 10:33. I got up and had a quick shower. I dried my hair and went down stairs; the house was completely silent except someone moving dishes in the kitchen. I walked in to find Leah there “Hey Leah, where’s everyone?” I asked “Dad and Lisa’s gone to get Nicole. She stayed at the party last night. Dad’s a bit annoyed at her but hey ho. I think it kicked off there last night but I couldn’t quite tell with all dads shouting. Didn’t he wake you up with it?” “Nope, flat out I was!”

I could hear the toilet flush which made me highly confused “If you say everyone except us isn’t in, then why’s the toilet flushing?” I asked “Oh Max stayed last night!” Max came running downstairs, even though it sounded like he came tumbling down. “Hey Danielle” I turned round to see a half-naked Max. He was just standing there with only his boxers on. I turned back round to Leah “Does he normally waltz round in his underwear when your dad is here?” Both, Leah and Max burst into laughter, “Don’t be silly Danielle! If Max came waltzing around the house in nothing but his underwear then Max would get a beating!” Leah chuckled “I’d get killed more like, Leah!” Max joked back “As it goes, your dad has been gone ages so I better go get some clothes on before I get that beating!” He continued.

I sat there eating my toast “What’s up Danielle?” Leah asked “Nothing, just thinking!” “Danielle, is there anything you do except thinking? You should be in the Guinness World Records for it! You’re like a pro now!” She said looking slightly worried. “You know me! Anyway, I have nothing better to do with my life except think.” “What do you actually think about? You really fascinate me!” She replied “Erm, nothing really, just ideas for new songs. What my life could’ve been like if I didn’t move here, that sort of stuff.” I laughed back.

I had just finished eating my toast, when the front door flung open “THAT’S THE BIGGEST MISTAKE YOU COULD EVER MAKE NICOLE! THAT WAS SO IMMATURE!” Joe came storming into the kitchen and places his keys on the key holder while Nicole went storming upstairs “I HATE YOU DAD! YOU’RE SO HORRIBLE!” Was all you could hear from her before her bedroom door banged shut! Joe came storming in the kitchen, after walking out only a few seconds earlier, me and Leah just looked at each other in confusion!

He made himself a cup of tea and stormed into the living room without making any contact with either me or Leah. Max walked in looking as confused as us. “What was that all about?” He asked “We have no clue; they just stormed in yelling at each other. Dad walked in here and made himself a cuppa but made no contact with either me or Danielle!” Leah said.

I got up and went to go and get dressed. I got upstairs to hear Nicole blasting out her rap music. How she can listen to that without getting a headache I don’t know!

I sat there, after getting dressed and I started hearing screaming again, but this time, it was mum and Joe. I could hear them arguing about how everything’s getting out of control, Nicole turned her music off and doors started to slam again “I’m sorry, but Danielle doesn’t make an effort! She sits there feeling sorry for herself like she’s got a billion problems in the world and nothing’s said about her. She doesn’t make an effort to be a part of this family, so why do I get this shit of you after staying out one night? This place is pathetic!” Nicole shouted to either mum or Joe. Or both. I don’t know who.

How dare she say all that! She doesn’t know anything about my life or what I’ve been through! I got up and ran out of my bedroom. I went into the kitchen were Leah and Max were. “Danielle, what meat do you like?” Leah asked “I don’t eat meat, I’m a vegetarian!” “Ohh, you’ll get on well with Jay!” Max laughed “Pardon?” I replied, confused. What does me being a vegetarian got to do with getting on with someone? “Jay’s a vegetarian too, you know!” Max explained! “Oh right! That makes sense!” I giggled.

The arguing went on for about another hour or so. Max went home as he didn’t want to stay while there was a family feud going on. I helped Leah with the diner as I had nothing better to do. Mum and Joe came down and sat at the dinner table. “Don’t know why I had children!” Joe sighed “Thanks dad! Love you too!” Leah said slightly unimpressed “Sorry Leah! I don’t mean you! Your sister is being a pain that’s all! She didn’t tell us she was staying out last night. Then it kicked off and loads of stuff got broken. God knows how much I’m going to have to fork out for it! Swear children never learn, do they?” Nicole has really screwed up this time. For once, it isn’t me in the wrong. I guess I’m thankful the attention isn’t on me!

Me and Leah started to plate up dinner and putting it on the table “Nicole, diner’s ready!” Leah shouted. I sat down at the table and waited for Nicole before starting my dinner. I was always taught by my dad that it’s good manners to wait until everyone is at the table before starting to eat “Eurgh, you’re sitting in my seat get out bitch!” Nicole moaned at me “Nicole! Shut up, you don’t have to sit there, just sit in the spare seat here! Stop ranting on about stuff that doesn’t matter!” She sat down and gave me a dirty look.

During the meal, Nicole kept saying how much of a great night she had “Hey Danielle, you should’ve seen Nathan, he was completely out of it, and he was flirting with all the girls and everything! He was all over the girls that were there!” She said, trying to rub it all in. The weird thing was, even though me and him were ‘close’, it didn’t bother me as much. The only pain I felt was as if he was like a brother and girls were using him and screwing around with him. “Why you telling me this for, he’s a free guy; he can do what he wants!” “But you’s two are going out though?” She said “Nope, we’re just good friends. Nothing more”

The rest of the meal was sat in silence. I was pissed off at Nathan. I didn’t know if I should believe Nicole or not. But I do believe what she said about the girls hitting on him when he’s drunk because everyone likes him. I just hope he hasn’t done anything stupid like slept with someone.

Once I finished my diner, I gathered up my plate and everyone else’s and put them in the dishwasher. “I’ll do that Danielle!” Leah said walking up behind me with the rest of the plates. “No it’s fine! I want to help!” I smiled “You having pudding?” She asked “No, I think I’ll skip it thank you!” I finished helping cleaning up and decided to go to my bedroom, as I was walking through the hall way, someone grabbed my arm. I turned around to see it was Nicole “Nathan’s never going to be yours. He’s going to be mine! In fact, I had him last night! Yeah, you heard, I slept with him last night! So don’t bother trying to get close to him! Because once every one hears about this, everyone will hate you more for getting close to him and allowing someone else to steal him away from you!” I quickly pulled away from her. Was she really telling the truth? Surely Nathan wouldn’t do that would he? He hates Nicole. “Well you know what that makes you then.. A slag, for sleeping around with lads that you aren’t even going out with” I quickly ran upstairs. I was so pissed off with her and her shit.

I sat on my bed and thought about what she said. Yes it hurt but it didn’t bother me really. My thoughts kept drifting away from Nathan and onto Jay, but why? Was I starting to like Jay? What about Nathan? But if what Nicole had said was true then I didn’t really give a damn what Nathan thought. I just couldn’t be bothered with anything right noI lay down on my bed – with my headphones in - I was staring out of my bedroom window in a world of my own when I could see something moving from the corner of my eye. I looked round to see my mum standing there, I sat up on my bed and took my headphones out “Why you standing there for?” I asked “I was wondering if I could talk to you?” She asked pretty calm, which isn’t like her because every time we talk, well, we don’t talk, we normally shout at each other. Plus, I haven’t spoken to her since that big argument we had the other day. This really made me think just how much of a bad relationship we have.

Anyway, I looked up to her “Sure, as long as you don’t start an argument! I don’t really fancy one to be honest!” I smiled “No, no! I haven’t come to start an argument.” She closed my door behind her and sat on my bed. I really thought she was going to have a go or something. I was really worried at the same time because she’s never this calm around me. “I’ve come to say sorry!” She looked into my eyes as she said it. I sat there confused as to why she was saying sorry. I started to shake my head slowly in confusion “Sorry, what for?” She sat there and sighed before looking up at me.

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