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"Danielle, you're such a special girl! You're going to be okay, I will make sure of it." I started to hear a bit of sobbing "You worry me way too much! Whoever did this to you will pay for this, I promise you!" I lay there, but I didn't wake up, my eyes wouldn't open, I couldn't move my body, I couldn't feel a thing, it's like everything thing of me has been switched of except my hearing, what's happening?

"Lisa, come home please? Like the doctor said, there's going to be no change in her condition. It could take ages for her to wake up" I heard what sounded like Leah talking to my mum "I can't leave her here, not on her own! What if she wakes up, I don't want her to be on her own!" I heard my mum start to sob again "Robert's missing you Lisa, he keeps asking for you! He wants his mum" "But she needs to wake up, it's been 2 weeks now and she hasn't changed, she hasn't got worse or she hasn't improved. Why won't she wake up?" Why can I hear my mum but not do anything? I'm trying my hardest to remember what happened but I can't seem to.

I felt a hand on my left cheek and then I felt someone kiss my forehead "Please wake up Danielle, I love you baby girl" my mum whispered before backing off "I'll be back soon, I promise" Why does bad things have to happen to me? What have I ever done wrong to deserve the crap I get given? I seriously don't get it. I thought over and over about what I could've done wrong, then that's when it hit me, what if it's something to do with Joe and the fact that he threatened me, then I got attacked later that evening. To think that it's been two weeks since then and I haven't come out of the coma, also that I can hear people talking but I can't wake up or do they know that I can hear them.

It's now the day after, my mum's been here for about 2 hours, she said that Robert was coming in because she wanted him to see me, even though she wasn't too keen on him coming into a hospital and seeing me like I am.

*A few hours later*

As Robert lay on my bed hugging into my chest, it made me desperately want to wake up. He keeps stroking my wound which I must admit, it was very soothing.

The doctor came in to talk to my mum and he said the words which I didn't want to hear "I'm really sorry but we have very low hope in Danielle waking up. Her heart's very weak and even if she does wake up, I don't think her heart will cope; there's a high chance she'll suffer from heart failure" I could hear slight sobs, I'm guessing from my mum "We suggest that maybe her life support machine gets turned off soon" the doctor carried on. I lay there wanting to cry, but even though I was un-conscience I knew I couldn't cry; but I was now even more determined to try and wake up. I felt a tickling sensation down my cheek, someone placed their hand on my cheek and started to stroke it "Why is she crying? How can she be crying? She's not even conscious yet she has tears in her eye!"

I heard footsteps getting closer to me "Lisa, maybe she'll be in a better place if we turn it off! At least she won't be suffering anymore" Joe said to mum, like why the hell did he say that for? "NO! I'M NOT LETTING HER DYE! WHY WOULD I DO THAT FOR?" Mum screamed at Joe to which Robert started to cry "Lisa, I'm sorry! But like the doctor said, she's not going to come through and there's no point wasting your life in the hospital next to your already dead daughter, who either way, isn't going to wake up." Everything went silent for a moment.

At that moment, I found myself starting to cough, I couldn't breathe properly it was like there was something stopping me from breathing "Danielle, oh my God! Get the doctor" mum started to panic, and while I was sitting here choking there were a load of doctors fussing round me.

I felt someone slot their hand into mine "Danielle, please open your eyes" I heard my mum say before I heard Robert say "Dan Dan wake now" I couldn't help but smile. I slowly opened my eyes to which Robert was the first person I laid my eyes on "Dan Dan is awake now Robert!" I replied to him as a massive smile appeared across his little face "Danielle, you're awake! You don't understand how happy I am. How are you feeling? Are you okay?" I looked up to my mum, I'm glad I've got to see her again "I'm fine now thank you! Looks like I'm not already dead hey?" I looked over to Joe to which he looked really petrified.

"Dan, whoever did this, they will pay for it you know?" Mum lay next to me in my bed. I knew deep down that someone had got someone to attack me, because this man didn't know me at all so how else would he know my name? "Do you know who it was?" She carried on; I looked up into her, do I tell her what's happened or not? I just don't know "I don't know who it was! I never heard his voice anywhere before! He probably thought I was someone else" I guess she doesn't need to know yet "He probably thought you were someone else!"

*A week later*

I got told today that I'm well enough to go home, which is a good thing as this place is annoying the hell out of me. Mum's coming for me in about an hour so I haven't that much time to wait. I haven't heard from anyone except Matt; when I say anyone, I mean I haven't heard from Nathan. I don't know why though.

I sat there looking down at my feet which failed to touch the floor due to me being short "Danielle!" I looked up to see Nathan standing there. He walked over to me and sat on the chair which was next to my bed "How you feeling?" He asked was sitting "Why haven't you been in?" I asked curiously "Joe knows about the kiss! That's kind of why I haven't been in! Also aswell because he threatened me, he keeps telling me to stay away from you! But I can't because I love you Danielle-" "It's kind of the wrong moment to be telling me that don't you reckon? Plus, he threatened you? When?" I broke him of mid-sentence "The night you got brought into here! He doesn't want me anywhere near the family either!" "Well you're in a relationship with Nicole so that'll be a bit difficult?" He sat there nervously which I knew there was something I didn't know "I broke up with her, I got scared! This has made me realise just how much I really want to be with you Danielle! I know it's not going to as easy as that considering there's loads of other people to think about! But you're the one I want to be with and I want to fight for you until the day I die! I will never give up"

He stood up and walked over to me, I looked up to him "Nathan, I love you!" I whispered. He crashed his lips into mine; we really need to stop doing this, kissing randomly, having random moments; if only this wasn't so complicated.

"What's going on here?" Nathan quickly broke off the kiss and turned to look at the door to see my mum standing there "Why? How long has it been going on? Haven't you both thought about what this is going to do to everyone?" The shock on her face is unreal right now. But she knows.

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