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As I finished taking down the posters in my bedroom, I let out a big sigh. Why did we have to move for? I put the posters in my suitcase and carried it downstairs "This is the last one!" I said to mum; she went and put it in the car "C'mon Danielle! Oh, and lock the door on your way out!" I took one last look around the house which I will no longer call 'home'. "I'm going to miss this place, my only home until now!" I picked up my jacket, walked out the door, locked it, and ran to the car. It had started to rain which put me in more of a bad mood.

I took one last look at the house as we drove off. I will miss it so much. Well, anyway let me introduce myself, I'm Danielle Hamilton. I'm fifthteen years old and I'm going to move to Manchester with my mum as we're moving in with her boyfriend. I've never really spoke to him because I've never forgiven him or my mum for the affair they had when mum and dad were married. It broke my dad's heart when he found out; it broke my heart too. I had the most amazing relationship with my dad, I was his and mums only child so he spoilt me.

As for my mum, well the least said about our relationship the better. The affair destroyed the only bit of friendship we had. My mum started to be a total bitch to me once my dad left, I could only stay with him every other weekend! To be honest, there isn't a relationship between me and mum; we're like strangers who live in the same house.

But I felt what we had ended when my dad died three months ago. Ever since he died, I felt my life had ended too. He was the only person in my life I could look up to, he inspires me in life and I will never forget him!

Because me and mum don't have a bond or relationship, I've never grieved for my dad. I've kept it in and got on. Sometimes, I think my mum thinks I'm over it but then she looks into my eyes and she knows I'm hurting. Every day, it kills me to think my dad won't be in my life, to cry on my wedding day when he first sees me, then to walk me up the aisle, to be proud of me when I have my own children and to generally be a proud dad. I'm going to miss that. I'm going to miss him.

The journey was going to take a few hours so I thought I'd take a nap. I got woken up by mum shouting my name; I opened my eyes to see we were at Joe's house; Joe was obviously her boyfriend. He had just brought this house about a month ago. I would have to share it with him, mum, and his two daughters. I've never met his daughters but all I know is that, Nicole is sixteen years old and Leah is eighteen years old. I'm going to be attending the same school as them both; the school would be Sydney Walker Performing Arts School & Community College.

I got my suitcase out of the boot and walked into the house. The rest of my luggage had already been brought here. "Danielle, I'll show you upstairs and you can choose your room!" Joe walked to the stairs and did a gesture with his hand to me to follow him, so I brought two of my suitcases up with me; the rest of my cases were already upstairs "Have a look at the rooms and choose which on you want. But you can't have that one because that's me and your mums!" He said pointing to the one which I can't have.

I had a look at the other three rooms and decided to go for the front room next to his and mums. It was a double bedroom and was painted a pale cream colour. It was a fair size and I would fit all my things in it; there was a double bed and a walk in wardrobe too "This one!" I said while I started to wheel my suitcases in; mum and Joe helped with them "Do you want any help unpacking?" Joe said to me, smiling. "No thanks, I'll be fine!" I said, well I think I might have snapped at him. He walked out and I heard him and mum walking downstairs.

As I started to unpack my things, I felt a lump in my throat, my eyes started to become watery, before I knew it; I was full on crying my eyes out. I felt so much pain in my chest.


The worst thing was, there wasn't anyone to make me feel better, to help me through this. I really felt so lonely, as if I had no one to call a friend or to confine in when I needed them.

I heard someone walk up the stairs so I quickly got up and dried the tears of my face. I then opened another suitcase. As I did, there was a knock at the door, "Danielle?" Joe said "Can I come in please?" "Yeah sure!" I replied, he walked in so I sat on the bed, "I've made you a cup of tea.. Hey, I know we're not best friends, or to be honest, we're probably not friends at all, but I'm sorry about everything that's happened. I know your head's all over the place right now with what's happened to your dad and all that. I know too that I'll never replace him, I don't want to either, because I know he means the world to you. I was the same age as you when my dad died and I felt as the four walls collapsed around me and I was on my own, but I always had my mum to talk to which helped me a lot. If you need anyone, talk to your mum, and yes I know you's two don't have the best of relationships but trust me when I say this, talking helps. And I know you're in pain over it too, I can see it in your eyes." He walked out and closed the door behind him, I started to cry again. That was really nice what he just said, but I shouldn't let what he said, make me forgive him for the affair! No way.

I got up, tears down my face and drank the tea. Once I finished it, I put on an old hoodie and brought the cup downstairs. Mum and Joe were in the kitchen chatting, I put the cup in the sink and rinsed it out "You don't have to clean it out Danielle, I'll do it in a bit when we've finished ours" Joe said to me "No it's fine!" I replied "Why you wearing a hoodie indoors for?" Mum questioned me "I'm going to go for a walk to check out the area!" I said walking out of the house.

This part of Manchester is posh; everyone has manners and holds the door open when someone is behind you walking into the same building as you.

I came up to a park that was about five minutes from the house. I sat on a swing and had a look around. There was nobody around; it was completely silent. This was so different from London. There was no noise, there wasn't even any graffiti on any walls, even the park was different. There were four swings next to each other, a big slide and a climbing frame. There were also some baby things here too; I don't know what they were though. The rest of the park was just a big field, but no grass, just a type of gravel.

I loved the silence; it really allowed me to think. I got up and carried on walking, there were two women outside a house looking at me as I walked past, I heard one say to the other "Better watch her!" What was I going to do? Rob a house?

I sat on a bench further up the street. It started to rain, the drizzle type. It was starting to get dark now so I made my way back to the house, I didn't realise how much I walked, it must have took me about fifthteen minutes to get back home.

I walked in and mum appeared from the kitchen "Why were you gone for so long? Come, dinners ready!" She moaned at me! "I'm not hungry!" I ran upstairs to my bedroom and locked myself in there. I looked around my room, this wasn't home, and will never compare to home. Never.

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