
Mark POV

"I am not doing that ever again! Not inly was it illegal but I could of accidentally messed up and we would have a dead body!"

"Stop complaining, he's fine"

"Yeah but what if he wasn't my whole career and everything would be gone! Not only did I perform a surgery with only local anaesthesia but multiple times on a body smaller than what I work with!"

"Its all good"

"Its not! I dont even know who that child is. I keot my cool during the surgery and before but I cant now!"

"Look the kid is perfectly fine. He's sleeping away on the couch. Now do you want toast or a waffle?"

"My gosh, are you serious? Its practical midnight"

"Yeah but its closer to mornig than night, now answer my question"

"I think you should be answering my questions. Who's this boy? Did you kidnap him? How old is he? Do you even know anything about him?!"

"Umm.. His name is Taehyung. And he's 10, no 11, maybe 12, he could be 13 or even 9."

"So you dont even know? And your just making toast like its no big deal? While Im over here stressing out on the floor next to this child?"

"Its not my fault your stressing"

"Its is!!"

"Can you guys be quiet? I'm trying to sleep"  BamBam says standing in the hallway.

"Shut up BamBam" Jackson and I said unison.


Taehyung POV

When I woke up, I was still tired. I wanted to sleep again but the sun was out and annoyingly bright. I had grabbed the old blanket and held it as I walked down the hall. Looking for someone. The first door was a bathroom, it was dirty and gross. The second door was a bedroom and it was surprisingly clean but no one was inside it. Then the third door opened before I could even touch the knob.

"Who is you?" A man asked brushing his teeth. He wasnt Mark or Jackson.

"Taehyung? Are you feeling better?" Jackson asked from a different direction. I looked at him and nodded. "Thats BamBam, he's my other roommate" I nodded understanding. And walked towards Jackson. I let out a small giggle, who names their kid BamBam? But I regained my serious.

"Can I go home?" I honestly wasnt sure what home was for me. Was it with my Aunt or Jungkook? I would rather Jungkook but legally its my Aunt.

"Yeah, sure. Whats the number?" He asked pulling out his phone. I wasnt sure though, I remember Jungkook telling me but Im not sure what the last 2 numbers were. Was it 82 or 35?

"Uh.. I dont.. I think.. It might be.. no its.. "

"Well, I'll make you breakfast. While you think okay? We have time its only-" He looked at his phone. "11 am." He walked down the hall and I followed him, leaving BamBam behind.

I sat at the kitchen counter with help from Jackson, it kind of reminded of Jungkook. I was kinda too short for the bar stool, so he helped me each and every time with no problem. In minutes slighty burnt toast was put in front of me.

"Sorry, I dont cook much" Its toast though, how do you? Not even gonna question it. I ate it anyway, I havent eaten in a while so I kinda shoved it down my throat. Even if it was burnt.. "So do you remember?" Switch languages again..

"I think its ###-###-##35 or ###-###-##82. But it could be ###-###-##85 or ###-###-##32."

"Alright then lets try" He dialed the first number and put it on speaker.

"Hello, this is customer support-" He hung up. The dialed the next one after confirming the number once again.

"Hello?" A girl answered. I shook my head. And he hung up. The dailed the next one.

"This call has been forwarded to an automatic voice mail please leave a message" That could be him, considering hes a teacher. But we called the next one anyway.

"Hello?" A man answered. Sounded like jungkook but I heard voices sound different on phones.

"Is this Taehyung's father?"  Jackson said before I could say anything.


"Taehyung" I shook my head, it wasnt him.

"Yeah, who is this?" My heart skipped.

"Well.. um I found your son. Haven't you noticed he's been missing?" Jackson was trying to make sure he was my father. When he wasnt even related to me, just my teacher that was kinda my boyfriend.

"I haven't been home..Did he run away? No, is he okay? He's not hurt is he?" His voice got quieter as he asked.

"Um.." Jackson wasnt sure what to say.

"Appa, I want to go home. Please come and get me" I said with genuine feeling, even slight tears. I had missed him so much and I wish that he could just come and save me.

"Whats the address? You'll have to wait a while though. I'll have to get out of work" He said. "Dont worry, I'll be there"

And then I started crying, like sobbing wise. It was terrible, I missed him so much and the thought of him made me happy. I cried tears of joy and sadness at the same time. At some point I sat in Jackson's lap for comfort as he continued to talk to who he believed was my dad. Maybe life wouldnt be so bad after all? I could go and runaway with Jungkook and no one would know. Our relationship wouldnt be threatened or break, we could be happy together. Thats all I want. I just was happiness.


I'm doing double chapters today (because I missed a week of updates), so I'll update the next one soon.

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