"Ohh of cooooourse. Yeah I get it." Liz smirked. Tsubaki made a little noise like she was trying to get Makas attention but then decided against it. This was obviously meant to be a surprise.

"Don't worry, we'll be sure to get free food out of you two another time." Kid said. Black Star seemed to be the only one who didn't get the little hint.

"What? C'mon guys don't give up on a free meal!" He shouted. Tsubaki steered him away as the groups of weapons and partners walked away, calling good-byes behind them.

"Um Soul? We don't have any plans. I'm fine making them food, you didn't have to lie to get out of it." Maka said, slightly annoyed that Soul lied to get out of cooking.

"Ah but we do have somewhere to be Maka, I wasn't lying." Soul said. He grinned at Maka and gestured to the bike just on the corner of the basketball court.

"Our humble transportation, m'lady."

They hopped on and Maka grabbed tight onto Soul's waist like she had done so many times before. And nothing was different. Well... it sort of was.

Soul weaved through traffic at a speed not enough for them to die or get stopped by police but fast enough to get there. And where were they going? Maka had no idea and Soul was being suspiciously tight-lipped. After a few minutes of asking in different ways with no response, she simply leaned against Soul and watched the city whiz by. Maka just let her mind wonder with giddiness at the fact that everything was finally and completely fixed with Soul. And now they were dating, although they technically hadn't been on a date... wait.

"Hold on! Soul! I-is this a date?!?" Maka spoke her question into his ear somewhat skeptically. She felt the rumble of Soul's chuckle against her front, and suddenly became conscious of where her *ahem* "tiny tits" where. Soul didn't notice her recede just a bit as he said, "Finally figured it out, did ya? Don't worry Maka, you can bet this'll be the coolest date you've ever been on." Maka had never been on a date but she didn't doubt Soul's words.

She gave up trying to feel embarrassed by her hormones and simply hugged herself tighter to Soul's back as they sped into a parking lot. Soul swiftly parked and started to step off his bike. He helped Maka down and took her hand, lacing his fingers through hers. She thought she might be burning with the furious blush on her cheeks. They walked into the cute little restaurant only to reveal it to be:

"A 50's diner themed ice cream parlor! I didn't know there was anything like this in Death City!" Said Maka.

"I'd only bring you to the coolest, most under appreciated place in the world. C'mon, lets grab some ice cream." Soul grinned and pulled Maka to the counter. A nice and energetic looking old man served them their frozen treats with a chuckle. "We don't get much business during the winter months, even though it's never cold here in Nevada for the winter." The old man remarked.

Soul pulled Maka into a booth while keeping a tight hold on his banana split ice cream sundae. Maka sat down and giggled as she stared over the top of her triple scoop tower of chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla scoops.

Instead of different sides, they sat next to each other in the same booth, the only one looking out of the window. At first, the couple was silent, aside from Soul slurping his ice cream. They were pretty quiet still, but Maka was definitely enjoying her ice cream too much to care. Then when she licked the last bit of vanilla off of her last spoonful, she found her mouth attacked with a kiss from Soul. Man, that ice cream mix was too sweet to resist so Maka kissed him back and savored the taste of banana split on his lips.

They broke apart and Soul said, "sorry, but you were too cute eating your ice cream like an excited kid, I could only wait until you finished." He said somewhat shyly. Maka blushed profusely and shoved his chest lightly.

"Shut up, I can eat ice cream whatever way I like." She said. Soul smiled.

"You ready to go to the main attraction?" Maka wondered what it could be but she happily said yes.

They walked out of the ice cream shop and Soul started steering them towards a high hill that ended in a cliff.
Some new geography she'd never seem before in the city, but then again they were now on the outskirts of Death City.

"Were walking this one, you probably need to burn off that big ice cream cone you had..." Soul said while scratching his head. "What's that supposed to mean?" Maka asked. "Haha I'm just joking, Maka. You're already perfect." Maka blushed again. She couldn't handle all these cute little things Soul was doing and saying. She could feel her ovaries melting with every comment.

The couple walked up the hill and were huffing and puffing by the time they got to the top. For fighting bad guys, they were pretty out of shape. Maka almost laughed out loud at the thought of it. She saw Soul let out a sigh as they reached the top and found a grassy patch to sit on. Maka gasped as she looked down over the cliff. She could see all of Death City to the right, and the endless desert on the left that stretched right to the horizon. Her eyes were fixed to the colors of the the beautiful sun easily setting on the horizon. The usually laughing sun seemed to take its time, struggling to stay awake and letting out lazy yawns that colored the sky red and orange with every one. Maka felt Soul's arm reach around her, and she leaned onto Souls shoulder. Far off to the side Maka glanced at the moon beginning its laugh as it rose even slower than the sun was setting.

"So how's the main event?" Soul inquired. "I love it." Maka replied.
Soul smiled Makas favorite smile in the world. "I love you." He said and leaned down to kiss her. Maka looked up and met him halfway. Within minutes the sun was completely gone, and Soul and Maka were still going at it, definitely relishing in their passionate kiss. Soul was the one to pull away when he said, "I had a hunch we would stay after the sunset, so I have a blanket to lay on in my bag on my motorbike. Want me to go get it?" Soul tenderly asked.
"Yeah! This could be a lot of fun! I've always wanted to go stargazing."
"You picked the right guy then." He retrieved the blanket and spread it on the grass. They lay down side by side looking up at the sky. The stars that shone down on them began to get brighter and brighter.


A+ if u could interpret the above message. Now before u ask, this is it. Last chapter! Finally! I despise epilogues so none of that. I know I'm a horrible person yeah. But LOOKIT I FINISHED!!! Since this is my New Years gift (happy new year!), it comes with a promise. I'm going to write more stories, I already have one up (but it's utter nonsense haha) so my resolution is to write more and faster. And write better while I'm at it.

Thanks to everyone who has been reading this crazy story from the beginning, and to every single reader who has stuck with it and said something like "this shit writing isn't as bad as I thought." I hope to see you guys supporting my other works to come.

If you guys like attack on titan, check out my newest story, it's called Mikasa Es Tu Casa. It's just a bunch of one shots of random shit I came up with about different characters. It's ridiculous and random so if we have a similar sense of humor and u like exaggerated characteristics, go read it!


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