A casual phone call (1)

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Soul called Crystal right after he got home. He yanked off his wet clothes and pulled on sweats and a white t-shirt. While grabbing his phone, he took a deep breath in and dialed the number written on the piece of paper. Well he didn't have the paper, Soul had instantly memorized it to be honest. It was a bit weird but of course he didn't notice. With another deep breath he squeezed the phone so hard his fingers turned into mini scythes for a moment, leaving small cut marks in the phone. Then he carefully dialed the number, taking care to punch it in exactly right. Then he pressed call.

It rang once. Then twice. Then thrice. Four times. Then five. After a bit, the answering machine came on.

"Hey it's Crystal, sorry I can't come to the phone right now, usually it's permanently in my hand or pocket," she giggled and Soul gulped, "anyways call again later or I'll get back to you ASAP! If its urgent then leave a message after the beep!"

Her voice paused, then she said a long "beeeeeep!" Then the machine took over and a real beep was heard.

Soul kinda breathed into the phone for a few seconds, just admiring Crystal's wonderful voice and attitude in the message. Then he realized that, uh oh, this is being recorded as a message! Soul gasped and then decided to just start a message.

"Hey there Crystal... Umm you gave me your number and said to call. Well I'm sure you remember it was only a little while ago, when I was umm, talking to you... Outside the school... Oh by the way it's Soul! Soul, Soul Evans. Oh, umm, in your history class. Yeah so I wanted to err... Ask you about that uhh date? I mean! Not a date if you don't want that! But err maybe if you call me back we can talk about it like where we wanna go.... Ummm I was kinda thinking maybe we could go see a movie. Just a suggestion. So uh.... Yeah, just uh, call me back when you can. Bye."



Whup! Double update In a few minutes or so!! Well only because I want the next part to be kind of on its own... So im just making it two parts. You're welcome.

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