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Trinities P.O.V

Soon, everyone else was in there also, excluding Master Splinter. I rarely see him anyways. Both me and Donnie were blushing furiously, my hands were behind my back shyly and he was scratching the back of his neck in anxiousness. They all stared at us, apparently waiting for an explanation, which they probably wouldnt get right this moment, seeing as we weren't saying anything at all.

It was an extremely awkward silence, where everyone was just..looking at us. Well, lets just say it took awhile for someone to say anything, until Mikey shouted, clutching his head between his hands,''What is going on?!?!''

I chuckled nervously, looking everywhere, but at them, Me and Donnie's eyes met for a split second before parting bashfully.

"Is anyone going ta say anything. Obviously Leo caught em doing something, attracted our attention, and has yet ta tell us why." Raph growled, his rough Brooklyn accent prominent.

"Yah, Leo, what are you making a big deal out of?" Mikey asked him curiously.

'Well, I was coming in here to apologize to Donnie about the toaster, and when I came in, they were all like snuggly and cuddly and huggin, and I was thrown off guard." He retold what he saw and my face burned bright red. I glanced over at Donnie, and he was completely blushing too. Aww.

"Are yall like a thing now, or somethin'?" Raph asked. I looked over at Donnie at the same time he looked at me, and we slowly nodded. Raph rolled his eyes. "Dude, she's been her for like what? Two weeks? I wonder how long this one is gonna last, considering ta last girl he liked didn't like him at all, and there relationship was nonexistent and completely one-sided." I worriedly looked over at Donnie, who was looking at the ground, hiding his face from view. "I mean- dude, he was like a stalker/creeper thing-" I cut him off angrily.

"Don't. You. Dare. Don't you dare say anything like that ever again. I never want to hear those words come out of your filthy mouth ever again. How could you say something like that about your own brother? Much less right in front of him. That makes me sick. No wonder he got depressed and thought about killing himself," Donnie flinched, but I continued, walking over to him and taking him in my arms. "Because of the support he got at home. That, is what is nonexistent. That excuse for a girl, doesn't even deserve Donnie, or anything like him. Its her own loss.

"All I am saying, is that even though I've only been here a little while, I probably know Donnie, and care for him maybe even more than his own brothers. Seriously, it might be a little, seeing as I almost just got here, but I know how he feels. It hurts. Rejection. No support from family. My family didn't love me, because of how I looked. So Raph, just get over yourself because no one wants to here what you have to say right now, and take this advice: Don't even open your mouth if your going to criticize Donnie, because if I hear about it, there will only be three turtles left, and no one will know how the last one disappeared. I wouldn't even be surprised if your brothers become cannibals." I smiled sweetly at his shocked face.

He turned on his heel, and angrily stomped to the door, muttering to himself. I could even hear it. "Pathetic. He needs a girl to stand up for him."

My face turned into an emotionless mask, I was beyond angry. I was seething. You could probably see the anger radiating off of me. I let go of Donnie. I quickly walked over to Raph, who had stopped for a moment outside of the door.

With inhuman strength,l pushed him to the ground, and said, "What did you just say." I then turned around to see Mikey cowering behind Leo, who was hiding behind Donnie. He was the only one not frightened of me. I looked back down at Raph, who's eyes were wide.

Donnie slowly walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. Instantly, I calmed down and let out a breath. I looked over at Mikey and Leo. "I didn't mean to scare anyone, promise. I was just getting really mad at Raph. What just happened?"

Finding My World ( A Ninja Turtle Fanfiction) {EDITING}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum