I Wanna Skate With Somebody!

Start from the beginning

"I was drunk then."

"And you're sober now, still freaking the fuck out."

Jungkook sighed. "Don't you have someone to bone?"

Tae looked down at his non-existent watch. "Nope. Jimin doesn't get off till 10."

Jungkook grabbed his keys and made his way toward his garage door. "How long are you gonna stick with Jimin? I don't want you fucking this up for me."

"Uh-bitch say what? What are you talking about? Are you trying to get Jimin? Boy, I will fuck—"

"What? No! I'm talking about you fucking around with Jimin. There aren't feelings involved, right? Of course not, it's too early for that. Look, Jimin is Jin's best friend and if you screw around with the boy it will come back to me and fuck up my chances with Jin. If you don't plan to start anything with him then leave him be, he doesn't deserve to be toyed around like your past flings."

Taehyung's eyes hardened. "Who I fuck or have feelings for is none of your fucking business." He gritted out. "Instead of trying to tutor me on my sex life maybe you should focus on yours, Rebound." Taehyung slammed the garage door in Jungkook's face leaving him standing there in shock.

Jungkook closed his eyes and immediately felt regret as he realized what he said to his best friend. He also felt a little angry about being called a rebound. This was most likely going to be on his mind the whole night. He thought about going inside and apologizing but knew Taehyung needed time to cool down. Once Taehyung was mad it took hours to even have a rational conversation with him. He hated that he was going to go into a date feeling like this but there was nothing he could do right now.

Before he left, he ordered Chinese food to be sent to his house, already paid for. It was Taehyung's favorite. Jungkook hoped he saw it as a peace offering because he really hated conflict of any kind. He sighed as he pulled out of his driveway. He hoped the night would get better from here on.


It didn't. In fact, the night was total shit and Jungkook was close to thinking fate didn't want him and Jin together at all.

First, after picking Jin up from his apartment, he got a flat tire while leaving the parking lot. He also found out he didn't know how to change a tire and neither did Jin. Jungkook tried calling Tae but the bastard refused to answer and the same went for Jimin when Jin tried him, but he was still at work so there was nothing he could do anyway. Jungkook really wished he had more friends while Jin wished he had friends with cars. Jungkook decided to call an Uber as a last resort and just leave the car there, hoping he would come back to it still in tacked. Jungkook didn't bother to check the Uber's rating and that resulted in a seriously damaged—like shouldn't still be drivable—car pulling up with the license plate barely hanging on that read 'Jeffer' on it.

The driver rolled down the window letting out heavy smoke that was undeniably weed and told them to hop in. Jungkook had apologized to Jin profusely as he opened the car door to reveal three other stoned individuals. Jin wouldn't have minded if it was an SUV but it was a Buick that was only supposed to seat three in the back. Jungkook was going to close the door and just call another Uber but they would have to wait 45 minutes for the next one. He cursed as he was forced to squeeze in next to a pothead. The only upside was that Jin had to sit on his lap in order to fit. Jungkook tried not to think about the other's plump ass sitting snug right on his crotch but it was hard. One of the stoners tried to get frisky with Jin's thighs which resulted in Jin lunging for the man and threatening him with cursed words Jungkook couldn't even fathom. Fortunately, Jin was held back by Jungkook and the other stoners before he could actually reach the man.

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