"What the fuck Y/N!?"

"And Henry was so nice to give me the names of the officers to, so I don't kill anyone 'innocent'." I laughed before F/N grabbed the paper from me, "Hey! Give that back!" 

"These are all in Demon territory!" F/N yelled as he looked at me


"This is complete suicide!"

"Well you need to live a little." I snickered as he glared at me

After some intense minutes of silence he finally spoke,

"Fine but if I die I'm coming back to haunt your ass." He sped up and I smirked once we entered Demon territory

 It was quite except for the rumbling of the engine as we drove down the burning streets. Although I almost jumped at the sound of a scream. F/N then slammed on brakes and I went to yell at him when I saw what he was glaring at. There was a group of demon members surrounding these two girls. The oldest of the two looked to be in her later teens around 17-18, while the youngest looked in her early teens, around 14-15. The younger girl was holding onto the other older one with fear. I could tell what F/N was thinking as he cut his car off and stepped out. I went ahead and followed him replacing the M-16 with knives. Now you maybe be wondering-why in the world would you switch out the M-16 for knives?! Well you see the more noise we make the more Demons will be alerted, and probably come and kill us. So right now we're going to be silent and deadly-well that's what I'm planning anyway.

"Stay away!" The older girl shouted at the Demons as they only snickered

"There's not trying sweetheart. We're gonna do whatever we want." One of them snickered as he reached in to grab the younger one

F/N and I hid behind a trash can as we waited for the perfect moment. 

"Who wants to go first?" The same one snickered as the younger girl thrashed in her arms

"I'll take her!" One of the others rushed forward as the guy pushed her into his arms

"Have fun." He snickered as he dragged the younger girl into the alley way in front of F/N and I

After I made sure none of the others were looking me and F/N snuck into the alleyway. I unsheathed one of my knives as my eyes landed on the guy pinning the girl to the wall. 

"Now you better be quiet!" The guy hushed, "Or I'll cut your throat to ribbons." 

I couldn't hold myself back anymore. I jumped the guy, covering his mouth with my hand as I stabbed him repeatedly in the back. F/N blocked the girls' view as blood soaked my clothes. The guy tried to struggle, but as minutes of stabbing and my insane giggles he went limp. I turned to F/N who glared at me. I rolled my eyes, and the girl looked at me with fear,

"What's your name?" F/N asked her

 "R-Ruby." She sobbed as he tried to calm her

"Okay Ruby I'm F/N and this is Y/N. I want you to stay here until we've saved your friend okay?" 

"S-She's my sister, but t-thank y-you." 

F/N nodded as I handed him a knife. As he and I walked out of the alleyway I saw that Ruby's sister were fighting the guys off. A smirk made its way on my face as I charged towards the group. I quickly stabbed one of the demons in the neck.

"Fuck! It's some of them fuckers from the Skulls!" Yeah I forgot to mention our gang is called the Skulls

The Demons immediately focused on me and F/N but we killed most of the quickly. Only two remained and I tackled the guy closer to me while the other one ran. While I was too busy stabbing my guy in the chest F/N was aiming at the guy with his knife. I looked up just in time to see F/N's knife coming into contact with the guy's skull.

"Good job F/N!" I giggled as I stood 

Just then Ruby peeked her head out before running towards her sister,

"Yang!!" She cried as Yang hugged her tightly 

F/N walked over to them offering them quite a couple of knives,

"Here takes these." 

"No thanks. I have gauntlets." Yang growled pulling Ruby behind her

"They weren't for you. They were for Ruby. She doesn't have any weapons, and this situation is a perfect reason why."

Before Yang could even say anything Ruby quickly grabbed the knives,

"Thank you." She smiled

"No problem. Now let's go Y/N before the Demons realize we're here. I would suggest you two to stay inside." F/N stated as I skipped over to his car, "And you better take off those bloodied clothes before you get in my car!"

Hm....Nah no way in hell that's happening. 

Fem!Purge Gang x Fem!Insane ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now