3 | Letting Go vs. Holding On

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I want to begin this discussion with two songs:

1. IDGAF by Dua Lipa

2. Unsteady by X Ambassador

Assuming that you've listened to them now, let me ask you something:

Should we move on?

Should we hold on?

These questions haunt every heartbroken lover. The pain is too much to handle as it is, and to top it off with such thoughts only adds to the misery. I'm sure you've had your breakups or heartbreaks. You're probably aware of these dilemmas then.

On one hand, they say we should let go. Let go of memories, let go of emotions. Let go of that person who broke our heart. They say that letting go is a freeing act. It frees you from the pain, the torture, and other feelings. The more modern trend nowadays is to delete them from your life. Block their numbers, block them on social media, some even move to different places. But what about your memories? Do you block them too? Our life isn't 'Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind'. You can't just erase those memories of your partner or ex. It's too damn difficult to move on or let go. So what do we do?

The other option that comes to mind is, obviously, to hold on. There's always a part inside our hearts that wants the other to stay. Even if you know that they're toxic or should just leave. Love is indeed blind, and it makes you want to hold on to your hope for support. Once that support is gone, you crumble. So you hold on, even if it leaves scars all over. You're hopeful, always, that someday you'll be back with your love, and this misery will come to an end. You hold on to that thought and wait. Because waiting is all you can do.

Again, both the scenarios open up when you're in a dilemma. Not just in the case of love, but other facets of life too. A loss of a loved one, rejection letters from colleges, being fired from your job etc. You always are provided with the two options of: letting go or holding on.

It's up to you my friend. All I can say is choose wisely, and go with your guts. Don't waste time thinking about consequences. I do that, and it's not healthy. Delaying any action is only going to bring you more suffering.

But yes, remember, whichever option you choose, just don't get hurt. Don't hurt yourself further. Do what's right for you. If you don't know that, then go with your gut instinct. Everything's gonna be alright.


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